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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Eamonn Murphy

Managing Orofacial Pain in Practice

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 37
1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 172 pagine, 84 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categorie: Interdisciplinare, Diagnostica e terapia funzionale

ISBN 978-1-85097-130-6
QP United Kingdom


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The concept of pain management has evolved over the last 50 years. It encompasses several medical disciplines and has now become a distinct dental entity. This book explores the diagnostic techniques and management philosophies for common orofacial pain complaints.

Chapter 01. Orofacial Pain: An Introduction
Chapter 02. Assessment of the Patient with Orofacial Pain
Chapter 03. TMJ Disorders
Chapter 04. Bruxism and the Use of Splint Therapy
Chapter 05. Muscle-related Problems
Chapter 06. Neuropathic Orofacial Pain
Chapter 07. Neurovascular Orofacial Pain
Chapter 08. Addressing Key Psychological Factors in Orofacial Pain
Chapter 09. Patients with Complex Pain
Chapter 10. Case Presentations
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Cover, Murphy: Managing Orofacial Pain in Practice
"In conclusion, this inexpensive and unpretentious book provides an excellent contribution to practical management of patients with orofacial pain."
Vaska Vandevska-Radunovic; European Journal of Orthodontics (April 2009)