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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Vivian E. Rushton / John Rout

Panoramic Radiology

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 20
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 160 pagine, 131 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Radiologia e fotografia

ISBN 978-1-85097-080-4
QP United Kingdom


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This book promotes a greater understanding of the principles of panoramic radiography by simplifying the complexities that often exist in larger texts. Topics covered range from how to produce the panoramic radiograph to how to interpret the radiographic image. The text is written to provide the entire dental team with a better understanding of panoramic radiology and how to maximize image quality and diagnostic yield for the benefit of the patient.

Chapter 1. Panoramic Radiography: History and Future Development
Chapter 2. Dental Panoramic Radiographic Technique
Chapter 3. Anatomy
Chapter 4. Radiation Dose and Risk in Panoramic Radiography
Chapter 5. The Use of Panoramic Radiography in General Dental Practice
Chapter 6. Quality Assurance in Panoramic Radiography
Chapter 7. Radiographic Interpretation of Disease Images
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Cover, Rushton/Rout: Panoramic Radiology
"In conclusion: this easy to read book belongs in every establishment, either dental or medical, where dental panoramic radiographs are taken and is suitable for all those involved in this type of examination, in particular with respect to the radiography side of it."
Johannes J. Keur; Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Newsletter (May 2008)