Collana: ITI Treatment Guide Series, Volume 14
1st Edition 2024
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 288 pagine, 856 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categoria: Implantologia
ISBN 978-3-86867-694-5
QP Deutschland
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Dental implants are used routinely throughout the world to replace missing teeth. With the broadening of treatment options and an increasing number of clinicians that provide implant therapy, it is important to ensure that the treatment methods used meet the highest clinical standards.
The ITI Treatment Guide series is a compendium of evidence-based implant-therapy techniques in daily practice. Written by renowned clinicians and supported by contributors from expert practitioners, the ITI Treatment Guides provide a comprehensive overview of the various indicated treatment options. The management of different clinical situations is discussed with an emphasis on sound diagnostics, evidencebased treatment concepts, and predictable treatment outcomes with minimal risk to the patient.
Volume 14 of the ITI Treatment Guide series aims to provide a comprehensive overview on immediate implant placement and immediate loading protocols for replacement of single or multiple teeth requiring extraction. This volume outlines the current literature on immediate implant placement and immediate loading and elaborates on our understanding of the biology surrounding tooth extraction and osseointegration that underpin these treatment concepts. The importance of patient and site selection in conjunction with comprehensive treatment planning is highlighted and a risk assessment tool to aid decision making is provided. All key aspects of both the surgical and loading procedures are described in order to provide protocols that optimize the final treatment outcome. This volume also presents 9 step-by-step clinical cases performed by experts in the field, and typical complications of immediate implants are discussed, along with recommendations on how these can be prevented.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Evolution of Immediate Implant Placement and Loading
Chapter 3. Preoperative Analysis and Treatment Planning
Chapter 4. Clinical Procedures
Chapter 5. Clinical Case Presentations
Chapter 6. Complications
Chapter 7. Conclusions
Chapter 8. References
Mauricio G. Araújo • Miljana Baćević • Thomas Borer • Andre Chen • Stephen Chen • Krzysztof Chmielewski • Karim Dada • Gary Finelle • German O. Gallucci • Luiz Gonzaga • Oscar Gonzalez-Martin • Arndt Happe • Alejandro Lanis • Amélie Mainjot • William Martin • Léon Parienté • Stefan Röhling • Björn Roland • André Barbisan De Souza • Teresa Chanting Sun
Daniel Wismeijer graduated from the University of Nijmegen Dental School (1984) and received his PhD in 1996. Until 2006 he worked at the Amphia Teaching Hospital in Breda in the Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics Department. In 1985 he started a general dental practice, which has been a referral practice for oral implantology since 1990. He was president of the Dutch Prosthodontic Association and the Dutch Association for Gnathology. He has been an ITI Fellow since 1993, a member of the ITI Board of Directors since 2013 and Chair of the ITI Education Committee since 2015. In 2006 he became Professor of Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Dentistry at ACTA Amsterdam where he was Chair and Head of the Department of Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Dentistry until 2020.
Qualified in dentistry from Guy’s Hospital in 1985 and as a Specialist in Oral Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England, in 2000. Dr Barter has 37 years’ experience in oral surgery with 30 years involvement in clinical and academic implant dentistry in both private hospital practice and as part of a multidisciplinary team in a private clinic. Dr Barter has previously assisted in the running of the MClinDent in Periodontology at the Eastman Dental Institute London, for over ten years, and the DClinDent Programme at Queen Mary’s University, London for over five years. He is a Fellow of the ITI, a past Chairman of the UK and Ireland Section and has served on ITI international committees and consensus conferences. Dr Barter has published in refereed scientific journals and the dental press and has written several book chapters, is the co-author of ITI Treatment Guide 9 – Implant Therapy in the Geriatric Patient (Quintessence Publishing) and has been an editor of the ITI Treatment Guide series since TG11. He has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally.
Professor Nikos Donos is the Chair of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry, the Director of Clinical Research, the Head of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research and the Lead for the Centre of Oral Immunobiology & Regenerative Medicine at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Prof. Donos is also the Director of the ITI scholarship Centre and the Director of the Osteology Research Scholarship Centre, both at QMUL. In 2009, Professor Donos has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry in Hong Kong, in 2012 the title of Adjunct Professor at the Dental School, Griffith University in Australia, in 2015 the title of Honorary Professor at UCL-Eastman Dental Institute and in 2019 the title of Honorary Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Queensland, Australia. In 2011, Professor Donos was awarded the prestigious International Association for Dental Research (IADR)-Periodontology Group Award in Periodontal Regenerative Medicine and in 2019 the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Clinical Research Award for his contribution as co-author for “outstanding published scientific manuscript with direct clinical relevance and application to the practice of periodontics”. In 2004, Professor Donos received the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO)-Basic Science Research Award. Professor Donos was the President of the British Society of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (BSP) (2020) and is a board member at the Osteology Foundation (Switzerland) as well as the Academic Representative at the Committee of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI)(UK). Professor Donos is involved as editorial board member in international peer-reviewed journals in the field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry where he has published more than 240 scientific publications. Professor Donos is/has been involved in a number of consensus conferences for the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), The International Team for Implantology (ITI) and the Osteology Foundation all of which provide the most up-to-date evidence based information for different clinical situations in the fields of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Prof Donos has significant clinical experience in providing advanced treatment modalities to patients suffering from severe periodontal disease. Those modalities include all steps (non-surgical and surgical) for the treatment of periodontal disease including periodontal and bone tissue regeneration and replacement of missing teeth with dental implants. Furthermore, Professor Donos has significant experience in non-surgical and surgical treatment of peri-implant diseases (peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis). All the above clinical problems and their treatments are topics that Professor Donos regularly covers in his lectures on a national and international level.
Dr. France Lambert graduated from the University of Liege in Periodontology, where she continued to obtain a PhD in the same subject. She has also completed a fellowship program in oral implantology at the prestigious Harvard School of Dental Medicine as well as the University of Washington. She is currently Head of Clinic in the Periodontology and Oral Surgery Departement at the University of Liege. Her clinical work is focused exclusively on implantology, mucogingival surgery and periodontics. Her scientific research areas target different aspects of the use of biomaterial and dental implants.
Adam Hamilton BDSc, DCD, FRACDS is the Discipline lead in Prosthodontics at the University of Western Australia. He is the former director of the Division of Regenerative Sciences and Implant Dentistry at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine where he is still a lecturer for the advanced graduate implant dentistry program. Adam completed his general dental education at the University of Western Australia and has a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry in the specialty of Prosthodontics from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the International Team for Implantology (ITI). He was the recipient of an ITI scholarship through which he completed a Fellowship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at University of Florida’s Centre for Implant Dentistry. His research focuses are on implant placement and loading protocols, the impact of digital technology in prosthodontics and implant dentistry, as well as digital workflows for implant rehabilitation of the edentulous patient. He maintains a clinical practice focusing on prosthodontic and surgical implant treatment.