1st Edition 2018
Softcover, 18,5 x 26 cm, 124 pagine, 300 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categorie: Medicina generale, Guida alla salute e alla medicina, Fisioterapia
ISBN 978-3-86867-413-2
KVM Verlag
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During pregnancy, numerous typical complaints can occur that are due to the "special circumstance." Weight gain, altered statics, water retention, etc are among the types of complaints that bother the expectant mother, especially common in twin and multiple pregnancies. The tape applications in this book focus on complaints and pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system that frequently occur during pregnancy, as well as problems after childbirth – in the case of the latter, the emphasis is on supporting involution. In addition, exercises are presented for the symptoms or injuries, with which the success of the therapy can be ensured in the long term. If performed regularly, the exercises are thus an excellent preventive measure. The focus of this book is on self-therapy or therapy with the practical support of loved ones.
Roland Kreutzer was born in Gummersbach in 1966 and has been a physiotherapist since 1991. He is an instructor for Brügger therapy (Zurich concept), a manual therapist, and an active course leader for Sensotape® courses. He has been working at the Philipps University of Marburg since 1992 as a physiotherapist, and since 2005 as a lecturer in the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs in physiotherapy. In addition, the author works as a physiotherapist in his own practice in Marburg and is a freelancer for KVM-Verlag, Berlin. This collaboration has resulted in him co-authoring several specialist books in the fields of medicine and physiotherapy. In his free time, he is an enthusiastic cyclist, runner, and swimmer, and thus a regular and active user of "self-tapping"!