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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Raj Rattan / George Manolescue

The Business of Dentistry

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 08
1st Edition 2003
Hardcover, 160 pagine, 45 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Gestione dello studio

ISBN 978-1-85097-058-3
QP United Kingdom


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This book explores the interface between clinical dentistry and the management of a modern dental practice. It covers a range of business areas, including the principles of financial management and the use of financial ratios and indicators in relation to practice profitability. There will be an overview of modern marketing techniques including the concept of branding.

Chapter 1. What Business Are We In?
Chapter 2. Success Factors
Chapter 3. Patient-centered Care
Chapter 4. Perception is Reality
Chapter 5. Marketing
Chapter 6. The Basic Principles of Finance
Chapter 7. Fee-setting
Chapter 8. Understanding Your Accounts
Chapter 9. Investment and Protections
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Cover, Rattan/Manolescue: The Business of Dentistry