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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Andreas Filippi / Irène Hitz Lindenmüller (Editore)

The Tongue

1st Edition 2018
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,94 cm, 216 pagine, 591 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categorie: Medicina generale, Chirurgia orale, Profilassi, Odontoiatria in generale

ISBN 978-0-86715-776-5

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As the largest organ in the oral cavity, the tongue not only plays a primary role in masticatory and speech function—it is also a significant indicator of health, demonstrating signs of both oral pathologies and diseases that can affect the entire body. Because no health care provider gets the opportunity to examine a patient's tongue as often as the dentist, it is essential for dentists to recognize when there may be a problem with the tongue and what the problem is. In addition to an overview of tongue anatomy and general diagnosis and treatment recommendations, this book contains an atlas of more than 50 specific diseases and health concerns that may present signs and symptoms in the tongue. Each is outlined in a quick-reference table describing etiology, prognosis, and more and is accompanied by photographs of different ways the condition can present. A true diagnostic aid, this guide will allow clinicians to identify and address any abnormality a patient's tongue may exhibit.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Anatomy and Physiology of the Tongue
Chapter 3. Normal Variations
Chapter 4. Diagnostics
Chapter 5. Changes to the Tongue
Chapter 6. Treatment

Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi

Svizzera, Basel

Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi is a specialist in Oral Surgery. He is the Clinical Director of the Department of Oral Surgery, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland. Since 2006, he has been Founder and Head of the Center of Dental Traumatology Basel, and since 2016, Founder and Head of the Center of Salivary Diagnostics, Hyposalivation and Halitosis Basel.

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Cover, Filippi/Hitz Lindenmüller: The Tongue