Categoria: Protesi
Lingua: Inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Fonte del video: 60 Jahre Quintessenz
Despite many years of basic and clinical research, clinicians
are still having difficulty managing many patients
with temporomandibular disorders. As a result, one
constantly sees new methods of treatment being proposed.
However, a critical analysis of the diagnostic
and therapeutic approaches to the management of
such patients indicates that it is not a lack of therapeutic
modalities but rather it is errors in the application of
these methods, or the selection of the wrong procedures,
that appears to be the problem. This presentation
will discuss the six areas in which clinicians frequently
make mistakes that lead to treatment failure.
These include history taking, clinical examination,
imaging procedures, establishment of a correct clinical
diagnosis, selection of proper therapy and correctly
performing treatment The importance of addressing
the etiology of the problem rather than just the managing
the symptoms will be emphasized. An understanding
of these common errors in diagnosis and
treatment should enable the clinician to more effectively
manage those patients who present with temporomandibular