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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Christopher Köttgen / Ueli Grunder / Fouad Khoury

Dr. Chris Webinar #4 - Longterm Success with Implants - The Influence of Stable Bone

Categoria: Implantologia
Lingua: Inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

Do you tick just like me and are as happy as a little child when you 
check an implant of your patient you have placed ten years ago and everything ist just as stable as it was on the day of prosthetic restoration? You want to learn how to achieve these results! Then don ́t miss the next four blockbusters of our Webinars! The topic: Long-term success of dental implants. This bundle consists of four parts. Each part highlights a critical aspect of this topic.

#1 The bone: What influence does a stable bone have. My guests are Ueli Grunder and Fouad Khoury.

You have to recognize that it is ultimately the active participation of all partners in the process that will ensure the long-term success – the patient, the surgeon, the prosthodontist and the dental hygienist. Can ́t wait to see YOU!

We would like to thank our Sponsor Thommen Medical for supporting this Series of Webinars.

Dr. Chris

Sponsorizzato da Thommen Medical AG
Thommen Medical AG

Thommen Medical AG

Thommen Medical AG
Neckarsulmstrasse 28
2540 Grenchen
Web: http://www.thommenmedical.com/

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