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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Mauro Fradeani

Esthetic rehabilitation: A comprehensive prosthetic approach

32 Minuti

Categoria: Tecnologia odontoiatrica, Odontoiatria estetica
Lingua: Inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Fonte del video: 60 Jahre Quintessenz

A predictable esthetic final result in the anterior region is often largely dependent upon a meticulous esthetical analysis along with systematic notations on the esthetic checklist. A close co-operation between prosthodontist, periodontist and implantologist, especially in the case of patients with a high smile line is highly recommended. Material selection with dental ceramist is fundamental in management of complex rehabilitation cases on natural dentition and on imlants. The use of metalfree ceramic materials allows to achieve excellent esthetic results in the anterior area for crowns and veneers fabrication. Clinical and technical suggestions for obtaining esthetic and durable results will be supplied.

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Anno di produzione: 2010
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Collana: Dental Video Journal
Categoria: Implantologia
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