Bernd Klaiber
Gap Closure with a Minor Incisal Edge Restauration
Categoria: Conservazione dei denti, Odontoiatria estetica
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2007
Fonte del video: APW DVD Journal
Collana: APW DVD Journal
- Incisal edge restoration at Tooth 11
- Sketch prior to widening procedure in anterior teeth region
- Placement and shaping of matrix band retainer used for tooth widening
- Application of composite material and spreading with small Heidemann spatula to establish stable and broad approximal contact
- Application of dentin and enamel composite
- Shaping and completing; positioning of the lateral edge lines; shaping the interincisal triangle.
- Creation of an invisible transition, composite/enamel, with scalpel #15
- Polishing
Optibond Fl (Kerr)
Enamel HFO (Micerium)
Dentin UD4, UD3,5 and UD3
Enamel GE2
Opalescence OBN
Flowable Composite:
Tetric Flow A4 (Vivadent)
Temporary Composite for shaping of matrix band retainer
SystepOnlay (Vivadent)