Categoria: Implantologia, Surgery, Parodontologia
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2013
Fonte del video: Zuhr-Hürzeler DVD-Kompendium
Collana: Zuhr-Hürzeler DVD-Kompendium
Questo è un trailer. Per vedere il video completo, acquistalo cliccando qui sotto
These DVDs showcase the exceptional minimally invasive microsurgical techniques featured in Otto Zuhr's and Marc
Hürzeler's best-selling book. Each volume features one surgical procedure performed by the authors accompanied by live
commentary further explaining these surgical techniques and sequences. The complete series consists of 10 DVDs.
VOLUME 9: Defect Reconstruction and Concurrent Implant Placement
Simultaneous implant placement at the time of augmentation is preferable to a two-step procedure, because of the shorter
treatment time and greater patient comfort. In the presence of a Class I defect, a reconstruction with particulate
autologous or xenogeneic bone substitute and a corresponding barrier (modified double-layer technique) can be achieved.
The cortical plate technique is particularly suitable for eliminating vertical aspects of the defect. This volume
illustrates both techniques.
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