Arndt Happe
Immediate placement and all-ceramic restoration in the anterior maxilla - a customized interdisciplinary treatment approach - Clinical procedure
Categoria: Implantologia, Tecnologia odontoiatrica
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2012
Fonte del video: Dental Video Journal
Collana: Dental Video Journal
- Patient presentation and esthetic analysis
- Careful extraction of a non-salvageable tooth
- Miniplast splint as a surgical template
- Harvesting bone from the implant bed
- Placing a CONELOG® implant at site 11
- Obtaining a corticospongeous bone cylinder at site 48
- Alveolar augmentation and reconstruction of the buccal bone lamella
- Harvesting a connective-tissue graft
- Tunneling the vestibular mucosa, various suturing techniques
- Insertion of the provisional restorations
- 3 months later: Preparing, impression and arbitrary transfer with a bite fork and facebow, temporary restoration
- Master cast, new wax-up, determine the emergence profile
- Fabricating a hybrid abutment, Scanning the custom abutment, on-screen crown design
- Fabricating a zirconia abutment and a feldspathic ceramic veneer
- Conditioning and adhesive attachment of the components, final intraoral check
- Try in and adhesive cementation