Categoria: Implantologia
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2005
Fonte del video: APW DVD Journal
Collana: APW DVD Journal
1. Preoperative planning and template fabrication
2. Implantation technique for the edentulous lower jaw
3. Intraoperative insertion of connecting bar
4. Postoperative construction of a fixed implant-borne prosthesis
5. Insertion of the fixed dental prosthesis on the three implants on the day of surgery
This contribution describes the insertion of three screw-type endosseous implants and the fabrication of a fixed dental prosthesis for immediate
postoperative loading in the edentulous lower jaw.
A thorough description of the indications for implantation, the foundations of planning, and the fabrication of various surgical templates to be
utilized as planning aids is followed by a demonstration of the technique for preparation and implantation of three screw-type endosseous implants
in an edentulous lower jaw. Selection of the implant site for immediate postoperative insertion of the connecting bar is illustrated in detail. The
production of a fixed dental prosthesis for immediate postoperative loading is also shown comprehensively and in detail. At the end, the video
demonstrates how to test the functional efficiency of the dental prosthesis by evaluating masticatory function under stress.