Categoria: Protesi
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2006
Fonte del video: APW DVD Journal
Collana: APW DVD Journal
Here, we describe a technique for direct application of composite bridges with adhesive bonding. The procedure is designed to provide a replacement for individual anterior teeth, especially in younger individuals who have lost a tooth due to trauma or who have congenitally missing teeth. Bridge manufacture is completely intraoral. By using a one or two-wing abutment design, a framework of parallel, pre-impregnated glass fibers is adhesively bonded, and the midsection is freely built up from composite by a special procedure. This systematic approach permits reasonably priced manufacture of direct tooth replacements with predictably good esthetic results. Maximal conservation of substance and reversibility, which is achieved by dispensing with prepping measures, means that the procedure does not limit the possibilities for future restorations (e.g., implants).