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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Hideaki Katsuyama

Microscope-enhanced implant dentistry

35 Minuti

Categoria: Implantologia
Lingua: Inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Fonte del video: 60 Jahre Quintessenz

Implant dentistry is the core part of modern dentistry with numerous scientific backgrounds since last century. Major parts of its development were achieved in 20th century and reached to maturation stage. On the other hand, high demands from patients regarding high esthetics and predictability forcing clinicians to introduce newly innovations into clinical field. We have introduced surgical microscope (Carl-Zeiss Movena and Möller-Wedel Universal 300) with 3-CCD video system (Ikegami) in 2004. Due to its introduction, our approaches and results were enhanced dramatically and playing important role in education. In this presentation, recent surgical approaches enhanced with surgical microscope for implant surgery will be discussed.

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