Stefan Schultze-Mosgau
Microsurgical Removal of a Foreign Body from the Mandibular Canal
Categoria: Surgery
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2005
Fonte del video: APW DVD Journal
Collana: APW DVD Journal
- Access and incision: Creation of a vestibular pedicled mucoperiosteal flap via a gingival margin incision while preserving the papilla
- Removal of vestibular bone in the region of tooth 46 using a microsurgical instrument
- Exposure of the neurovascular bundle
- Removal of the foreign body
- Re-adaptation of the mucoperiosteal flap
- Wound closure with atraumatic suture material
Female patient with an indication for microsurgical foreign body removal (removal of a fractured root canal instrument from a previous endodontic
treatment of tooth 46) using a surgical microscope. The foreign body extends from the apex into the mandibular canal.