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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Steve Carstensen / Ken Berley

The Clinician's Handbook for Dental Sleep Medicine

2. Auflage 2025
Softcover; 17.2 x 24.1 cm, 352 Seiten, 125 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie, Zahnheilkunde allgemein

Artikelnr.: B1964
ISBN 978-1-64724-196-4


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Millions of Americans suffer from OSA, and at least one patient in five has mild OSA. Whereas patient compliance with CPAP therapy is unacceptably low (between 25% and 50%), dentists can provide a viable alternative therapy – oral appliance therapy (OAT) – that results in much better compliance. This book clearly delineates the dentist’s role in the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders, with practical advice for incorporating dental sleep medicine into an existing dental practice, including step-by-step instructions for examination, appliance selection, and follow-up care as well as how to work with sleep physicians. Complications of OAT, legal issues, and medical insurance and Medicare considerations are also covered. This updated edition includes contributions from experts in physical therapy, myofunctional therapy, and rhinomanometry, as well as advice on proper breathing by breathwork training expert Patrick McKeown.

Chapter 01. Clinical Guide for the Practice of Dental Sleep Medicine
Chapter 02. An Overview of Sleep and Sleep Disorders
Chapter 03. Dental Sleep Medicine Protocols and Practice
Chapter 04. Integrating Dental Sleep Medicine into Your Practice
Chapter 05. Treatment Decisions and Appliance Selection
Chapter 06. Delivery of a Custom MAD
Chapter 07. Complications of Oral Appliance Therapy
Chapter 08. Evaluating Therapy and Ongoing Care
Chapter 09. The New Reality
Chapter 10. Legal Issues Related to the Practice of Dental Sleep Medicine
Chapter 11. Medical Insurance and Medicare
Chapter 12. Pediatric Airway Problems
Chapter 13. Myofunctional Therapy
Chapter 14. A Multidimensional Approach to Addressing Breathing and Sleep Disorders
Chapter 15. Physical Therapy
Chapter 16. Rhinomanometry


Steve Carstensen DDS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Steve Carstensen, DDS, started treating sleep problems in 1998 and maintains a private practice in Bellevue, Washington. He has completed a Mini-Residency in Sleep at the University of California, Los Angeles, and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. He lectures internationally, directs sleep education at the Pankey Institute, and is a guest lecturer at Spear Education, University of the Pacific, and Louisiana State University Dental Schools. Since 2014, he has been editor-in-chief of Dental Sleep Practice Medicine


Ken Berley DDS, JD

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Ken Berley, DDS, JD, ist Zahnarzt und Rechtsanwalt, der seine zahnärztliche Praxis auf die Behandlung von schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen und Kiefergelenkserkrankungen ausgerichtet hat. Er ist außerdem der Vorsitzende eines Beratungsunternehmens, das in Praxen Schulungen zur zahnärztlichen Schlafmedizin (DSM) sowie Einverständniserklärungen und Dokumente zur Unterstützung der DSM-Praxis anbietet. Dr. Berley ist Mitglied des American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine und hält regelmäßig Vorträge zu den Themen Risikomanagement und Aufbau einer erfolgreichen DSM-Praxis. Er hat in der Zeitschrift Sleep Review und anderen Fachzeitschriften zum Thema schlafbezogene Atmungsstörungen veröffentlicht, bietet Beratungsdienste für verschiedene Versicherungsgesellschaften an und verteidigt und berät aktiv Zahnärzte, die mit juristischen Verfahren konfrontiert sind.

Cover, Carstensen/Berley: The Clinician's Handbook for Dental Sleep Medicine

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