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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Shanon Patel / Simon Harvey / Hagay Shemesh / Conor Durack (Editor)

Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics

1st Edition 2016
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 144 páginas, 493 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Endodoncia, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: BL007
ISBN 978-1-85097-291-4
QP United Kingdom


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Conventional radiography has well-documented limitations when it comes to endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, and CBCT overcomes many of these limitations. However, its use is often underemphasized and misunderstood by clinicians familiar with the concepts of conventional radiography. This book provides an essential overview of CBCT, from the physics of radiation to the mechanics of the machine to the interpretation of images, thereby offering clinicians and students a sound foundation for using this modality. It also provides a comprehensive discussion of the many applications of CBCT in clinical endodontics, including assessment of anatomy, diagnosis of apical periodontitis, retreatment, trauma, resorption, and vertical fracture. Throughout, the authors emphasize proper case selection and include many references to provide an evidence-based approach and framework for the use of CBCT in endodontics.

Chapter 01. The Limitations of Conventional Radiography and Adjunct Imaging Techniques
Chapter 02. Radiation Physics
Chapter 03. Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Chapter 04. Using CBCT: Dose, Risks and Artefacts
Chapter 05. Dentoalveolar Anatomy
Chapter 06. Assessment of Root Canal Anatomy
Chapter 07. Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 08. Non-surgical and Surgical Re-treatment
Chapter 09. Traumatic Dental Injuries
Chapter 10. Root Resorption
Chapter 11. Vertical Root Fractures


Dr. Shanon Patel BDS, MSc, MClinDent, FDS RCS (Edin), MRD RCS (Edin), PhD

Reino Unido, London

Consultant/Honorary Senior Lecturer in Endodontics
Shanon divides his time between specialist practice in central London, and teaching in the Endodontic Postgraduate Unit at King's College London. His primary research interests include the factors influencing tooth survival, management of root resorption, dental trauma, and the applications of CBCT in Endodontics. He has supervised over 35 Masters and PhD students. His expertise in endodontic imaging led to him being the lead author of the European Society of Endodontology's position statement on CBCT in Endodontics. Shanon is regularly invited to lecture nationally and internationally on a variety of endodontic themes. He has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, (co-)authored 15 book chapters, and co-edited three endodontic textbooks.


Simon Harvey BDS, MFDS RCS (Eng), MA (Law and Ethics)

Simon graduated from the University of Sheffield and subsequently became a Clinical Lecturer in Oral Surgery, being responsible for the training of undergraduate dental students. He was awarded Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2010. He later studied at the School of Law, King's College London and gained a Master's degree in Medical Ethics and Law. Simon was appointed a Specialist Registrar in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology at Guy's Hospital London in 2014. He has an interest in CBCT and dento-legal disputes, and regularly teaches undergraduates and postgraduates.


Hagay Shemesh DMD, PhD

Hagay is Chair of the Endodontics division at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Netherlands, and maintains a private practice specialising in Endodontics. Hagay's PhD thesis was titled "New insights into the root canal wall". Since 2000, he has been actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at ACTA. His research interests are the outcomes of root canal treatments with CBCT evaluation, root canal filling materials, and the effects of endodontic procedures on the root canal walls. He has supervised over 35 Masters and PhD students. Hagay has published over 45 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals on various aspects of Endodontology.


Conor Durack BDS, MFD RCSI, MClinDent (Endo), MEndo RCS (Edin)

Conor limits his clinical practice to the delivery of all aspects of Endodontics at his specialist, referral practice in Limerick, Ireland. His Masters research thesis focused on the diagnostic accuracy of CBCT in the detection of external root resorption. He has numerous publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has co-authored six textbook chapters. He is co-author of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) guidelines and position statement on the use of CBCT in Endodontics. Conor is a member of the ESE Clinical Practice Committee, and is involved in the delivery of post-graduate education in Endodontics in Ireland in his role as a committee member and incumbent President of the Irish Endodontic Society.

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Cover, Patel/Harvey/Shemesh et al.: Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics

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