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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Dale A. Miles

Atlas of Cone Beam Imaging for Dental Applications

2nd Edition 2013
Hardcover, 408 páginas, 624 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Interdisciplinar, Radiología y fotografía

Nº de stock: B5655
ISBN 978-0-86715-565-5

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Cone beam imaging is fast becoming common place in dental practices for every specialty, and this best-selling book has been updated to reflect the ways in which cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is being used by dental practitioners. As before, the book introduces readers to the different ways of viewing CBCT data sets and guides clinicians in identifying familiar and unfamiliar anatomical landmarks in the three planes of section (axial, sagittal, and coronal). New to this edition are chapters presenting endodontic applications of CBCT, selected cases from radiology practice, and issues of risk and liability associated with capturing CBCT data. In addition, the anatomy chapter has been updated with many new illustrations and a new section on small-volume anatomy. Comprehensive case presentations demonstrate the diagnostic and treatment-planning capabilities of CBCT in its full range of applications while at the same time highlighting situations in which traditional radiographic imaging will suffice.

Chapter 01. CBCT in Clinical Practice
Chapter 02. Basic Principles of CBCT
Chapter 03. Anatomical Structures in Cone Beam Images
Chapter 04. Airway Analysis
Chapter 05. Dental Findings
Chapter 06. Impacted Teeth
Chapter 07. Implant Site Assessment
Chapter 08. Odontogenic Lesions
Chapter 09. Orthodontic Assessment
Chapter 10. Orthognathic Surgery and Trauma Imaging
Chapter 11. Paranasal Sinus Evaluation
Chapter 12. Temporomandibular Joint Evaluation
Chapter 13. Systemic Findings
Chapter 14. Vertebral Body Evaluation
Chapter 15. Selected Cases from Radiology Practice
Chapter 16. Clinical Endodontics
Chapter 17. Risk and Liability
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Cover, Miles: Atlas of Cone Beam Imaging for Dental Applications

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