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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Christina Mitchell

Dental Materials in Operative Dentistry

Serie: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 33
1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 140 páginas, 104 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología restaurativa, Tecnología odontológica

Nº de stock: BL069
ISBN 978-1-85097-129-0
QP United Kingdom

$29.00 $5.00

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In such a rapidly changing field, dental students and practitioners need up-to-date information on a wide range of restorative materials available for use in operative dentistry. This book concisely outlines the clinical advantages and disadvantages as well as indications and contraindications of different materials. Topics include finishing and polishing restorations and the use of dental curing lights.

Chapter 1. Resin Composites
Chapter 2. Compomers and Glass-ionomers
Chapter 3. Enamel and Dentine Adhesive Systems
Chapter 4. Glass-ionomer Cements
Chapter 5. Dental Amalgam
Chapter 6. Sealers, Lining and Base Materials
Chapter 7. Finishing and Polishing Restorations
Chapter 8. Dental Curing Lights
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Cover, Mitchell: Dental Materials in Operative Dentistry

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