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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Jaime A. Gil / Robert A. Sader / Alfonso L. Gil

Esthetic Implant Surgery

Serie: IFED Esthetic Treatment Guide, Volume 1
1st Edition 2025
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 208 páginas, 900 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Implantología

Nº de stock: BG183
ISBN 978-1-78698-119-6
QP Deutschland


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Within the scope of the ever-evolving and exciting speciality of esthetic dentistry, Volume 1 of the IFED Esthetic Treatment Guide, edited and curated by Jaime A. Gil, Robert A. Sader, and Homayoun H. Zadeh, is a welcome and timely addition to current knowledge. From chapters on esthetic implant site development and ridge augmentation to how best to manage esthetic complications in implant placement, the book also examines bone, so tissue , and sinus augmentation, thus providing a comprehensive perspective and description of current techniques and approaches in this field of dentistry.

Implant placement in the esthetic zone and the anterior maxilla can be challenging for both clinician and patient. Volume 1 of this IFED Esthetic Treatment Guide is a welcome and needed addition to the clinician’s armamentarium when dealing with implants in the esthetic zone.

All techniques discussed in the book are beautifully illustrated with high-resolution photographs and images that help the clinician to understand and apply these techniques in the context of their day-to-day clinical practice. Case studies are used to complement and further illustrate the issues and solutions highlighted in each chapter, thus grounding theory into real-world practice.

Chapter 1. Esthetic implant site development
Chapter 2. Esthetic ridge augmentation with simultaneous implant placement
Chapter 3. Augmentation of anterior maxillary ridge defects
Chapter 4. Clinical concepts to enhance peri-implant soft tissue esthetics and peri-implant health
Chapter 5. Implant-related sinus augmentation procedures
Chapter 6. Immediate single-tooth replacement in the anterior maxilla
Chapter 7. Esthetics and peri-implantitis
Chapter 8. Esthetic complications and their management

With contributions from:
Stephanie M. Chu • Stephen J. Chu • Luca Cordaro • Alfonso L. Gil • Ueli Grunder • Ronald Jung • Ausra Ramanauskaite • Isabella Rocchietta • Robert Sader • Riccardo Scaini • Anton Sculean • Markus Schlee • David Schneider • Frank Schwarz • Behnam Shakibaie • Dennis P. Tarnow • Tiziano Testori • Daniel Thoma • Istvan Urban • Homa H. Zadeh


Prof. Dr. Jaime A. Gil


President of The International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED) (2018–). “Dentist of the Year” Award given by The Spanish Dental Council – Spanish Dental Association. Madrid, December 2018. Professor and Chairman of Prosthodontics, University of the Basque Country in Bilbao. Board Member of The European Association for Osseointegration (2007–2011). President of The International College of Prosthodontics (2007–2009). President of International College of Dentists (European-Section) (1999–2001). President of The European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (1991–1993). President of The Spanish Society of Prosthodontics (1990–1992). Scientific Program Chairman of The International Quintessence Symposiums, I, II and III in Esthetic, Restorative and Implant Dentistry (Madrid 2012, Barcelona 2014, Barcelona 2017). Private Practice. Prof. Jaime A. Gil is the director of the Department of Esthetic Dentistry and Full Mouth Rehabilitation on Teeth and Implants at the Albia Dental Institute in Bilbao.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Robert A. Sader

Alemania, Frankfurt

Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery/plastic surgery. Main focus on facial deformity surgery and new procedures in dental implantology, in particular biomaterials. President of the German Society for Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and the Frankfurt am Main Dental Association of 1863. Secretary General-elect of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED). Since 2014 also Medical Director and Managing Director of the Carolinum Zahnärztliches Universitäts-Institut gGmbH at Goethe University.


Dr. Alfonso L. Gil DDS, PhD

Suiza, Zürich

Alfonso Gil is receiving a 5-year post-graduate education in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences from the University of Zurich. He obtained his DDS Degree from the University of the Basque Country (2013). His Master of Science and Advanced Periodontology Implantology Certificate from the University of Southern California (USC) (2013-2016) were followed by a Certificate in Advanced Surgical Implant Dentistry from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) (2016-2017). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He obtained his PhD with highest honors from the University International of Catalunya in November 2019. His research focuses on the treatment of peri-implant disease, soft tissue augmentation of teeth and implants and fixed prosthodontics.


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Cover, Gil/Sader/Gil: Esthetic Implant Surgery

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