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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Burkard Hugo

Esthetics with Resin Composite

Basics and Techniques

1st Edition 2009
Libro, DVD
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, incl. DVD, 272 páginas, 1227 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Odontología restaurativa

Nº de stock: BG078
ISBN 978-1-85097-183-2
QP Deutschland

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This book/DVD set, the legacy of a gifted dentist and lecturer, demonstrates the diverse treatment options available and the impressive outcomes that can be achieved with the skillful use of the direct resin composite technique. The book shows how highly esthetic direct resin composite restorations can be created in the anterior dentition using a minimally invasive approach. Step-by-step procedures for completing treatment in a single session are detailed in text and full-color photographs for various clinical situations. In addition, the presentation of complex clinical cases provides the dental practitioner with insights into the potential modern uses of resin composite for the buildup of anterior teeth, the closure of approximal gaps and black triangles, changes in tooth position and shape, and directly constructed, fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses. The accompanying DVD contains video footage of clinical procedures described in the book to enhance the reader's ability to achieve similar treatment results.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Technical Basics
Chapter 3. Step-by-Step Procedure
Chapter 4. Clinical Case Examples and Supplementary Techniques
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Cover, Hugo: Esthetics with Resin Composite

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