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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Krzysztof Chmielewski

Fotografía dental

Portfolio directrices

1st Edition 2016
Spiral bound, 59 páginas, 64 ilustración
Idioma: Español
Categoría: Radiología y fotografía

Nº de stock: E3711
ISBN 978-84-89873-71-1
QP Spain


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Este libro consta de 92 páginas y es una gran e interesante herramienta muy útil para cualquier persona que realice fotografías de sus casos o prácticas, tanto intraoral como de la cara del paciente. Encuadernación espiral. Les presentamos la nueva Guía del Dr. Chmielewski, gran experto en fotografía dental que tiene su propio Instituto de fotografía dental en Berlín. Este libro consta de 92 páginas y es una gran e interesante herramienta muy útil para cualquier persona que realice fotografías de sus casos o prácticas, tanto intraoral como de la cara del paciente . Se muestran todas las situaciones posibles y se enseña la mejor configuración que debe tener la cámara, el flash , tipo de lentes, diafragmas, cómo colocar al paciente... Es la mejor Guía para perfeccionar la Fotografía Dental. De uso fácil y práctico que toda clínica dental debería tener.


Dr. Krzysztof Chmielewski DDS, MSc

Polonia, Gdansk

He is a dentist and a specialist in implantology and esthetic dentistry Master of Science in Oral Implantology. He obtained the title of doctor in 1993 after graduating from the faculty of dentistry at the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. Since 1996, he has been running his own dental practice specializing in esthetic dentistry and implantology. He is a unsurpassed specialist, treasury of vast knowledge and elite of world implantology. He is an esthetic dentistry specialist. He is also a precursor to the use of 3D printing in Polish dentistry. He has over 25 years of experience in the complex process of implant placement. In his daily work, he puts the patient’s good first. The key to his success is not only the vast knowledge acquired around the world and many years of practice, but above all the active use and understanding of implant planning. He is an invaluable leader of an innovative company, entering a huge step on the dental market with templates for computer navigation – Dental Print 3D. He completed the prestigious postgraduate education program in Seattle at Dr. John Kois. He is an international lecturer in implantology, controlled bone regeneration and esthetics. He is also an international expert and a teacher of dental photography. He lectures actively all over the world, among others in Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Russia, Turkey, USA, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, China. In his free time he is a photographer and filmmaker. Together with his wife Adriana he is specializing in underwater and nature production projects. He works among others in projects for the Discovery Channel.

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Cover, Chmielewski: Fotografía dental: Portfolio directrices

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