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Vorträge national/international Thema digitale Zahnheilkunde, konservierende Zahnheilkunde,
Deutscher Zahnärztetag 2019
8. Nov 2019 — 9. Nov 2019Congress Center Messe Frankfurt
Speakers: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Sarah Al-Maawi, Kurt Werner Alt, Jassin Arnold, Thomas Attin, Mustafa Ayna, Anna Greta Barbe, Ingo Baresel, Jens Baresel, Tobias Bauer, Ursula Becker, Wilfried Beckmann, Christoph Benz, Lisa Bitterich, Dirk Bleiel, Uwe Blunck, Martin Boost, Andreas Braun, Anne Bredel-Geissler, Wolfgang Buchalla, Egon Burian, Sebastian Bürklein, Iain L. C. Chapple, Wolfgang Christian, Fabian Cieplik, Bettina Dannewitz, Monika Daubländer, Sybille David-Hebgen, Isabel Deckwer, James Deschner, Annika Döding, Christof Dörfer, Heike Dyrna, Norbert Engel, Peter Engel, Susanne Fath, Michael Frank, Roland Frankenberger, Rene Franzen, Cornelia Frese, Tobias Fretwurst, Michael Gahlert, Roland Garve, Werner Geurtsen, Shahram Ghanaati, Christiane Gleissner, Ulrike Gonder, Werner Götz, Dominik Groß, Knut A. Grötz, Martin Guffart, Norbert Gutknecht, Cornelius Haffner, Thorsten Halling, Frederic Hermann, Carlos Herrera-Vizcaino, Tim Hilgenfeld, Jürgen Hoffmann, Martin Hoffmann, Fabian Huettig, Alfons Hugger, Christine Hutschenreuter, Bruno Imhoff, Silke Jacker-Guhr, Søren Jepsen, A. Rainer Jordan, Alexander Jürchott, Bärbel Kahl-Nieke, Peer W. Kämmerer, Philipp Kanzow, Nele Kettler, Christian Kirschneck, Lydia Kogler, Bernd Kordaß, Franz-Josef Kramer, Norbert Krämer, Felix Krause, Matthis Krischel, Joachim Krois, Christina Kühne, Conrad Kühnöl, Bernd Lapatki, Silke Lehmann-Binder M.Sc., Christian Leonhardt, Ivona Leventic, Daniel Lindel, Jörg Alexander Lisson, Ulrike Lübbert, Elmar Ludwig, Anne-Katrin Lührs, Michael Lüpke, Frank Georg Mathers, Wibke Merten, Georg Meyer, Wolfram Misselwitz, Karin Mölling, Mhd Said Mourad, Dietmar Friedrich Müller, Moritz Mutschler, Katja Nickel, Nicole Nicklisch, Ina Nitschke, Olaf Oberhofer, Karina Obreja, Dietmar Oesterreich, Rebecca Otto, Simon Peroz, Peter Pospiech, Florian Probst, Monika Probst, Michael Rädel, Sven Reich, Katharina Reichenmiller, Katharina Reinecke, Daniel R. Reißmann, Bernd Reiss, Stefan Ries, Christiane Rinnen, Katharina Röher, Jerome Rotgans, Uwe Rudol, Sebastian Ruge, Michael Rumpf, Heidrun Schaaf, Claudia Schaller, Karina Schick, Ulrich Schiffner, Maximiliane Amelie Schlenz, Alexander Schmidt, Mathias Schmidt, Andrea-Maria Schmidt-Westhausen, Julian Schmoeckel, Wolfgang Schneider, Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Holger Schön, Andreas Schulte, Nelly Schulz-Weidner, Karola Schulze, Ralf Schulze, Falk Schwendicke, Thomas A. Schwenk, Andreas Simka, Ralf Smeets, Önder Solakoglu, David Sonntag, Hansmartin Spatzier, Benedikt Spies, Norbert Staab, Sabine Steding, Angela Stillhart, Marcus Stoetzer, Hendrik Terheyden, Andrea Thumeyer, Marin Vodanovic, Kai Voß, Maximilian Voß, Wolfgang Wahlster, Michael Walter, Sandra Weber, Almut Johanna Weigel, Paul Weigl, Michael Weiss, Hans-Jürgen Wenz, Johannes-Simon Wenzler, Christian Wesemann, Jens Westemeier, Lotta Westphal, Matthias Widbiller, Annette Wiegand, Horst Willeweit, Karl Frederick Wilms, Sandra Windecker, Michael M. Wolf, Anne Wolowski, Bernd Wöstmann, Sylvia Wuttig
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
Deutscher Zahnärztetag 2018
MISSERFOLGE - erkennen, beherrschen, vermeiden9. Nov 2018 — 10. Nov 2018Congress Center Messe Frankfurt
Speakers: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Sarah Al-Maawi, Bilal Al-Nawas, Kurt Werner Alt, Anna Greta Barbe, Tobias Bauer, Daniel Bäumer, Marco Baz Bartels, Grietje Beck, Katrin Bekes, Christoph Benz, Dirk Bleiel, Johannes Boesch, Martin Boost, Wolfgang Buchalla, Oskar Bunz, Fabian Cieplik, Monika Daubländer, Sybille David-Hebgen, Andreas Dehler, Renate Deinzer, Sonja H. M. Derman, Konstanze Diekmeyer, Ingmar Dobberstein, Heike Dyrna, Thomas Eger, Guido Elsäßer, Anne Sophie Engel, Peter Engel, Norbert Enkling, Susanne Fath, Stefan Fickl, Michael Frank, Roland Frankenberger, Rene Franzen, Kerstin Galler, Carolina Ganß, Roland Garve, Christian Ralf Gernhardt, Werner Geurtsen, Shahram Ghanaati, Petra Gierthmühlen, Christiane Gleissner, Steffani Görl, Werner Götz, Susanne Grässel, Dominik Groß, Stefan Grümer, Claus Grundmann, Martin Guffart, Heinz-Michael Günther, Norbert Gutknecht, Peter Hahner, Elmar Hellwig, Christian Henrici, Katrin Hertrampf, Fabian Huettig, Michael Hülsmann, Bruno Imhoff, Holger Jentsch, A. Rainer Jordan, Ana Elisa Kauling, Moritz Kebschull, Christian Kirschneck, Joachim Klimek, Andrea Klink, Thomas Klinke, Birte Koch, Thomas Kocher, Eva Köllensperger, Heike Maria Korbmacher-Steiner, Bernd Kordaß, Hannah Kottmann, Pablo Krämer-Fernandez, Gabriel Krastl, Birgit Krause, Till Kreutzer, Conrad Kühnöl, Stefanie Kurzschenkel, Thorsten Kuypers, Günter Lauer, Hans-Christoph Lauer, Elfi Laurisch, Tina Lawall, Karl Martin Lehmann, Silke Lehmann-Binder M.Sc., Dirk Leisenberg, Ulrike Lübbert, Michael Lüpke, Thomas Malik, Jutta Margraf-Stiksrud, Lorenz Meinel, Gudrun Mentel, Wibke Merten, Louisa Mewes, Johanna Isabel Moosmüller, Martin U. Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Nicole Nicklisch, Ina Nitschke, Michael J. Noack, Marina Nörr-Müller, Karina Obreja, Dietmar Oesterreich, Puria Parvini, Ingrid Peroz, Waldemar Petker, Oksana Petruchin, Andree Piwowarczyk, Peter Pospiech, Peter Proff, Sven Reich, Katharina Reichenmiller, Katharina Reinecke, Bernd Reiss, Svenja Rink, Christiane Rinnen, Jerome Rotgans, Sebastian Ruge, Didem Sahin, Sonja Sälzer, Petra Santander, Heidrun Schaaf, Jürgen Schäffer, Elisabeth Schiffner, Ulrich Schiffner, Markus Schlee, Maximiliane Amelie Schlenz, Peter Schmidt, Andrea-Maria Schmidt-Westhausen, Claas Ole Schmitt, Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Jörg Schröder, Gerd Schröter, Andreas Schulte, Philipp Schwaab, Frank Schwarz, Falk Schwendicke, Clemens Schwerin, Sinan Sen, Önder Solakoglu, Hansmartin Spatzier, Christian H. Splieth, Norbert Staab, Bernd Stadlinger, Sabine Steding, Marcus Stoetzer, Giorgio Tabanella, Gisela Tascher, Hendrik Terheyden, Valentina A. Tesky, Jan Tetsch, Juliane von Hoyningen-Huene, Maximilian Voß, Michael Walter, Alexander Welk, Dietmar Weng, Hans-Jürgen Wenz, Jens Westemeier, Lotta Westphal, Annette Wiegand, Karl Frederick Wilms, Michael M. Wolf, Diana Wolff, Anne Wolowski, Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Sylvia Wuttig, Mohamed Younis, Stefan Zimmer, Lisa Zumpe
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
This author's journal articles
International Poster Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine, 2/2023
Questions: Craniomandibular dysfunctions (CMD) are dysregulations of the chewing organ and adjoining structures, which can lead to destruction of hard and soft dental tissues, joint cartilage, decreased chewing function, and pain, thereby massively reducing wellbeing and quality of life. The treatment of CMD requires accurate and objective diagnostics to enable a successful interdisciplinary treatment. Conventional diagnostics cannot completely detect the temporomandibular joint in its own complexity by technical restriction. In addition, due to a high proportion of "manual labour", human errors and diagnostic variances cannot be excluded (1).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate a full digital workflow for craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) diagnostics, including intraoral scans, digital volume tomography, digital motion tracking, and treatment with a 3D-shaped bite splint.
Methods: This prospective study included n=19 adult patients (8 men, 11 women) suffering from CMD, who met the inclusion criteria and consented to the therapy and the use of their data. Inclusion criteria were as follows:
- presence of a craniomandibular dysfunction requiring treatment
- no previous splint therapy
- no primary temporomandibular joint disease or general underlying disease that could be the cause of the pain or could influence the therapy outcome (e.g. rickets, Parkinson's disease, osteoporosis, psychosomatic diseases, neuralgias, and neuropathies).
Prior to treatment, ethical approval was obtained by legal agency (EK 213062018). 3D diagnostics and data matching were performed, on the basis of which a 3D bite splint was designed and produced (SICAT, Bonn, Germany; Polymethylmethacrylat astron® Clearsplint® CAD/CAM, Schütz Dental GmbH, Rosbach, Germany). Patients were evaluated pre- and post-treatment and every 6 weeks up to 6 months by clinical analysis, splint adjustment, and questionnaire. Descriptive analysis and statistics were performed using MS Excel (Version 16.0, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA).
Results: Splint therapy led to a significant reduction in subjective complaints in 89% (n=17) of patients, whereas only 11% (n=2) reported unchanged complaints. 74% (n=14) of patients preferred digital impressions and milled bite splints; the other 26% (n=5) did not indicate a special preference. The majority of digital designed bite splints showed a satisfactory initial fit (58%//n=11) and 32% (n=6) could be fitted after minor adjustments.
Conclusions: The digital workflow for CMD treatment, analysed in this study, showed a significant reduction in working time by a high proportion of digitization and automation combined with a high level of patient satisfaction and accuracy of splint fit. Nevertheless, the use of digital volume tomography did not improve diagnostics (2) and should be viewed critically in this context.
Keywords: CMD treatment, 3D-shaped bite splints, digital workflow, economic efficiency
A patient with arthrogenic temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) complaints presented. In addition to a clinical diagnosis, an instrumental one with Sicat Function (Sicat) was performed. For this purpose, movements of the mandibular function were recorded with an ultrasonic-based measuring system (JMT+) and correlated with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) image data. A reference tray (FusionBite) ensured spatial agreement. In addition, full-arch scans taken with the Cerec Omnicam intraoral scanner (Dentsply Sirona) were matched to the CBCT data. From the movement data, a biomechanically optimized joint position was determined, for which an occlusal splint was milled. Subsequently, the functional result achieved was retained with computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) temporary restorations and tabletops and was monitored with Sicat Function until delivery of the final rehabilitation. To this end, the movements were tracked with the JMT+ after each treatment step. The reference tray was successively adapted and augmented so that the original jaw relation in the FusionBite could be maintained, which guaranteed comparability with the initial situation without the need for an additional CBCT image. Sicat Function has proven to be an excellent system supporting a digital workflow in situations where controlled bite-position changes are indicated in patients with arthrogenic TMD complaints.
Keywords: instrumental digital functional diagnostics, Sicat Function, CAD/CAM, Cerec, digital workflow, TMD diagnostics, digitally guided bite-position change