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Studium der Zahnheilkunde an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, ab 1990 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, später Oberarzt in der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik, Westdeutsche Kieferklinik, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf; 1991 Aufbau der Myoarthropathie-Ambulanz (gemeinsam mit Bernd Kordaß), ab 1996 Leitung; 1992 Hochschulforschungspreis der Bundeszahnärztekammer und 1993 Kemptener Förderpreis der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Funktionsdiagnostik (jeweils gemeinsam mit Bernd Kordaß); 1999 Spezialist für Zahnärztliche Prothetik (DGZPW/DGPro); 2004 apl. Professor; 2006 Spezialist für Funktionsdiagnostik und Funktionstherapie (DGFDT); seit 2011 Schriftleiter der Zeitschrift für Kraniomandibuläre Funktion (Journal of Craniomandibular Function); 2015/16 Kommissarischer Direktor der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik; seit 2016 Stellv. der Direktorin (Prof. Dr. P. Gierthmühlen) der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik, Westdeutsche Kieferklinik, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
1. Auflage 2018 Book Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 488 pages, 970 illustrations Language: German Categories: Functional Therapy, Prosthodontics Stock No.: 19390 ISBN 978-3-86867-378-4 QP Deutschland
Series: Curriculum 1. Auflage 2006 Book Softcover, 408 pages, 139 illustrations Language: German Categories: Student literature, General Dentistry Stock No.: 13080 ISBN 978-3-87652-599-0 QP Deutschland
Issue cycle: Quarterly Language: English, German Category: Functional Therapy Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Alfons Hugger QP Deutschland
178,00 €
57. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie (DGFDT)
Der richtige Biss – Das richtige Beissen22. Nov 2024 — 23. Nov 2024Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, Germany
Speakers: Steffani Görl, Alfons Hugger, Bruno Imhoff, Thomas Kaiser, Matthias Lange, Walter Lückerath, Peter Ottl, Daniel Weber, Anne Wolowski
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie
54. Jahrestagung der DGFDT
Funktion im digitalen Workflow19. Nov 2021 — 20. Nov 2021online
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie
Deutscher Zahnärztetag 2019
8. Nov 2019 — 9. Nov 2019Congress Center Messe Frankfurt
Speakers: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Sarah Al-Maawi, Kurt Werner Alt, Jassin Arnold, Thomas Attin, Mustafa Ayna, Anna Greta Barbe, Ingo Baresel, Jens Baresel, Tobias Bauer, Ursula Becker, Wilfried Beckmann, Christoph Benz, Lisa Bitterich, Dirk Bleiel, Uwe Blunck, Martin Boost, Andreas Braun, Anne Bredel-Geissler, Wolfgang Buchalla, Egon Burian, Sebastian Bürklein, Iain L. C. Chapple, Wolfgang Christian, Fabian Cieplik, Bettina Dannewitz, Monika Daubländer, Sybille David-Hebgen, Isabel Deckwer, James Deschner, Annika Döding, Christof Dörfer, Heike Dyrna, Norbert Engel, Peter Engel, Susanne Fath, Michael Frank, Roland Frankenberger, Rene Franzen, Cornelia Frese, Tobias Fretwurst, Michael Gahlert, Roland Garve, Werner Geurtsen, Shahram Ghanaati, Christiane Gleissner, Ulrike Gonder, Werner Götz, Dominik Groß, Knut A. Grötz, Martin Guffart, Norbert Gutknecht, Cornelius Haffner, Thorsten Halling, Frederic Hermann, Carlos Herrera-Vizcaino, Tim Hilgenfeld, Jürgen Hoffmann, Martin Hoffmann, Fabian Huettig, Alfons Hugger, Christine Hutschenreuter, Bruno Imhoff, Silke Jacker-Guhr, Søren Jepsen, A. Rainer Jordan, Alexander Jürchott, Bärbel Kahl-Nieke, Peer W. Kämmerer, Philipp Kanzow, Nele Kettler, Christian Kirschneck, Lydia Kogler, Bernd Kordaß, Franz-Josef Kramer, Norbert Krämer, Felix Krause, Matthis Krischel, Joachim Krois, Christina Kühne, Conrad Kühnöl, Bernd Lapatki, Silke Lehmann-Binder M.Sc., Christian Leonhardt, Ivona Leventic, Daniel Lindel, Jörg Alexander Lisson, Ulrike Lübbert, Elmar Ludwig, Anne-Katrin Lührs, Michael Lüpke, Frank Georg Mathers, Wibke Merten, Georg Meyer, Wolfram Misselwitz, Karin Mölling, Mhd Said Mourad, Dietmar Friedrich Müller, Moritz Mutschler, Katja Nickel, Nicole Nicklisch, Ina Nitschke, Olaf Oberhofer, Karina Obreja, Dietmar Oesterreich, Rebecca Otto, Simon Peroz, Peter Pospiech, Florian Probst, Monika Probst, Michael Rädel, Sven Reich, Katharina Reichenmiller, Katharina Reinecke, Daniel R. Reißmann, Bernd Reiss, Stefan Ries, Christiane Rinnen, Katharina Röher, Jerome Rotgans, Uwe Rudol, Michael Rumpf, Heidrun Schaaf, Claudia Schaller, Karina Schick, Ulrich Schiffner, Maximiliane Amelie Schlenz, Alexander Schmidt, Mathias Schmidt, Andrea-Maria Schmidt-Westhausen, Julian Schmoeckel, Wolfgang Schneider, Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Holger Schön, Andreas Schulte, Nelly Schulz-Weidner, Karola Schulze, Ralf Schulze, Falk Schwendicke, Thomas A. Schwenk, Andreas Simka, Ralf Smeets, Önder Solakoglu, David Sonntag, Hansmartin Spatzier, Benedikt Spies, Norbert Staab, Sabine Steding, Angela Stillhart, Marcus Stoetzer, Hendrik Terheyden, Andrea Thumeyer, Marin Vodanovic, Kai Voß, Maximilian Voß, Wolfgang Wahlster, Michael Walter, Sandra Weber, Almut Johanna Weigel, Paul Weigl, Michael Weiss, Hans-Jürgen Wenz, Johannes-Simon Wenzler, Christian Wesemann, Jens Westemeier, Lotta Westphal, Matthias Widbiller, Annette Wiegand, Horst Willeweit, Karl Frederick Wilms, Sandra Windecker, Michael M. Wolf, Anne Wolowski, Bernd Wöstmann, Sylvia Wuttig
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
This author's journal articles
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, Pre-Print
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.9148, PubMed ID (PMID): 3954151714. Nov 2024,Pages 1-10, Language: EnglishPrott, Lea S. / von Zitzewitz, Zara A. / Brinks, Ralph / Teeuwen, Robert / Hugger, Alfons / Gierthmuehlen, Petra C.
This retrospective study evaluated the clinical long-term survival of 1405 double-crown retained removable partial dentures (DRPDs) over 30 years of follow-up. Kaplan Meier survival rate for DRPDs was 96.6% after 5 years, 88.2% after 10 years, 61.7% after 20 years, and 38.3% after 30 years. Survival rates of abutment teeth were 94.3% after 5 years, 80.2% after 10 years, 51% after 20 years, and 27% after 30 years. Key failure risk factors of DRPDs were age, ≤ 3 abutment teeth, and complete denture in opposing jaw. Abutment teeth failure risk factors included age, anterior abutment teeth, punctual support, and non-vital teeth.
Keywords: removable partial denture, double crowns, survival rate, severely reduced dentition, clinical study
In view of the rapid developments in digital dentistry (such as digital workflow and CAD/CAM processes), questions arise regarding digital occlusion, including the possibilities of occlusal analysis. This raises questions about definitions and terminology: What do we mean when we talk about occlusion in the context of digitization, especially in the case of digital models, and what are the potentials of digital occlusal analysis? Initial thoughts on this important topic will be presented in preparation for an upcoming guideline.
Keywords: digital patient, digital articulator, Digital occlusion, digital occlusion analysis, virtual articulator
The 33rd Conference of the Society of Oral Physiology took place in Naples between 23 and 26 May 2024 (Figs 1–3). Under the expert guidance of Ambra Michelotti (Naples, Italy) and her team, the scientific congress unfolded seamlessly. Antoon De Laat (Leuven, Belgium), the society’s curator, provided invaluable support throughout the event (Fig 4), and the society’s scientific advisory board played a pivotal role in shaping the program consisting of 22 engaging lectures and 6 posters that delved into the intricacies of oral physiology. Approximately 50 participants actively participated in these lively discussions (Fig 5). The different conference theme blocks covered the following areas: muscle physiology; screening, diagnostic process, classification; clinical studies; training of masticatory function; patient case series and case–control studies; miscellaneous and poster presentations. Some of the presentations from the various fields covered are presented in more detail next.
Position Paper of the Study Group for Oral Physiology and Masticatory Function (DGFDT)
Rapid developments in digital dentistry, such as digital workflows and CAD/CAM systems, have led to questions about digital occlusion, including the capabilities of occlusal analysis. There is a need for clear definitions and terminology. What do we mean when we talk about “occlusion” in the context of digitization, especially in the case of digital models? What are the capabilities of digital occlusal analysis? The following article presents our initial thoughts on this important topic, which may be useful in the development of future guideline.
Keywords: digital occlusion, digital occlusion analysis, virtual articulator, digital articulator, digital patient, digital functionally generated path technique (FGP technique)
WissenschaftPages 938-947, Language: German, EnglishKordaß, Bernd / Ruge, Sebastian / Imhoff, Bruno / Güth, Jan-Frederik / Reich, Sven / Schlenz, Maximiliane A. / Hugger, Sybille / Hugger, Alfons
Rapid developments in digital dentistry, such as digital workflows and CAD/CAM systems, have led to questions about digital occlusion, including the capabilities of occlusal analysis. There ist a need for clear definitions and terminology. What do we mean when we talk about “occlusion” in the context of digitization, especially in the case of digital models? What are the capabilities of digital occlusal analysis? The following article presents our initial thoughts on this important topic, which may be useful in the development of future guideline.