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Dental studies in Freiburg from 1980 to 1985, completed PhD in 1987, worked in the prosthodontics department of the dental clinic in Freiburg from 1985 to 1991 and 1994 to 1997. Conducted research funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, USA, from 1991 to 1993. Achieved habilitation in 1995. Appointed as director of the Department of Dental Prosthetics, Propaedeutics, and Materials Science at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel in 1997. Became chairman of the Schleswig-Holstein Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SHGZMK) in 2004. Served as vice president of the German Society of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials (DGPro) from 2008 to 2012, and as president of the DGPro from 2012 to 2016. In December 2011, became the first German scientist to receive the Schweitzer Research Award from the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP). Research interests include adhesive prosthodontics, all-ceramic restorations, implantology, and materials science.
Indikation, Behandlunskonzept, Funktionsdiagnostik, Werkstoffauswahl, Vorbereitung und Eingliederung vollkeramischer Restaurationen
1st completely revised and expanded new Edition 2023 Book 21 x 21 cm, 255 pages Language: German Categories: Prosthodontics, Restorative Dentistry ISBN 978-3-9817012-4-1
Series: Curriculum 5th revised and expanded Edition 2022 Book 3 Bände jeweils im Softcover, 16,5 x 24 cm, 1264 pages, 1079 illustrations Language: German Categories: Student literature, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology Stock No.: 22760 ISBN 978-3-86867-572-6 QP Deutschland
2., durchgesehene Auflage 2018 Book Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 264 pages, 888 illustrations Language: German Categories: Prosthodontics, General Dentistry Stock No.: 21680 ISBN 978-3-86867-412-5 QP Deutschland
1st Edition 2018 Book Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 264 pages, 888 illustrations Language: English Categories: Prosthodontics, General Dentistry Stock No.: 20611 ISBN 978-1-78698-020-5 QP Deutschland
Length: 26 minutes Production year: 2009 Language: German Source: 60 Jahre Quintessenz Category: Prosthodontics available since: 11. Jan 2010
VSC Quaterly Event
Die Adhäsivbrücke und ihre Alternativen.7. Mar 2025 — 8. Mar 2025Hotel Sans Souci Wien, Wien, Austria
Speakers: Johannes Bantleon, Andrea Foltin, Matthias Kern
Vienna Study Club
38. DGI-Kongress
Risiken. Misserfolge. Lerngeschenke.28. Nov 2024 — 30. Nov 2024Maritim Hotel Dresden
Speakers: Bilal Al-Nawas, Florian Beuer, Daniel Buser, Vincent Fehmer, Dominik Groß, Knut A. Grötz, Jan-Frederik Güth, Anke Handrock, Arndt Happe, Sönke Harder, Matthias Kern, Marco Rainer Kesting, Fouad Khoury, Torsten Mundt, Sven Reich, Irena Sailer, Eik Schiegnitz, Henning Schliephake, Frank Schwarz, Anton Sculean, Michael Stimmelmayr, Istvan Urban, Kay Vietor, Christian Walter, Stefan Wolfart, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie im Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferbereich e.V.
2. Frühjahrssymposium der ÖGEndo
25. May 2024Park Hyatt Vienna, Wien, Austria
Speakers: G. Benjamin, Kurt Alois Ebeleseder, Sabine Hopmann, Matthias Kern, Gabriel Krastl, T. Kupec
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Endodontie
European Prosthodontic Debates 2023
14. Sep 2023 — 16. Sep 2023Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius, Lithuania
Speakers: Rolandas Andrijauskas, Adomas Auskalnis, Kazuyoshi Baba, Tord Berglundh, Lawrence E. Brecht, Luigi Canullo, Farronato Davide , Luca De Stavola, Vincent Fehmer, Marco Ferrari, German O. Gallucci, Ieva Gendviliene, Simonas Grybauskas, Sascha Hein, Reinhilde Jacobs, Matthias Kern, Tomas Linkevičius, Diego Lops, Daniele Manfredini, Francesco Mangano, Magda Mensi, Eitan Mijiritsky, Suresh Nayar, Sam Omar, George Papavasiliou, Guillermo Pradíes, Algirdas Puišys, Aušra Ramanauskaitė, Daniele Rondoni, Dmitri Ruzanov, Irena Sailer, Frank Schwarz, Nicola Scotti, Tristan Staas, Eglė Vindašiūtė-Narbutė, Ulrich Wegmann, Lukasz Zadrozny, Ausra Znamenskaite-Levickiene
Speakers: M. Oliver Ahlers, Bilal Al-Nawas, Thomas Attin, Ben Baak, Georg Benjamin, Peter Bongard, Frank Brüggen, Till Dammaschke, Maximilian Dobbertin, Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff, Stefan Fickl, Roland Frankenberger, Sylvia Fresmann, Christina Gaede-Thamm, Florian Göttfert, Christian Graetz, Betül Hanisch, Kerstin Herz, Johanna Herzog, Petra Hinz, Franziska Höhne, Peer W. Kämmerer, Adrian Kasaj, Marie Kasperek, Yvonne Kasperek, Matthias Kern, Andreas Kessler, Bernd Klaiber, Jan Klenke, Marko Knauf, Norbert Krämer, Joachim Müller, Robert Nicic, Florian Rathe, Robert A. Sader, Keyvan Sagheb, Bernhard Saneke, Ralf Schlichting, Patrick R. Schmidlin, Thomas A. Schwenk, Wolf-Dieter Seeher, Ralf Smeets, Markus Striegel, Anette Strunz, Moritz Tellmann, Ansger Volke, János Winkler, Stefan Wolfart, Christoph Zirkel
Internationale Fortbildungsgesellschaft mbH
7 Decades of Quintessence Publishing
10. Jan 2019 — 12. Jan 2019Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Jiro Abe, Michèle Aerden, Wael Att, Stavros Avgerinos, Avijit Banerjee, Vesna Barac Furtinger, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Lars Bergmans, Ashwini Bhalerao, Jaroslav Bláha, Sebastian Bürklein, Daniel Buser, Josette Camilleri, Sevim Canlar, Sandra Chmieleck, Bun San Chong, Victor Clavijo, Carsten Czerny, Bettina Dannewitz, Alessandro Devigus, Didier Dietschi, Irina Dragan, Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff, Peter Eickholz, Karim Elhennawy, Peter Engel, Wolfgang Eßer, Marco Esposito, Susanne Fath, Vincent Fehmer, Federico Ferraris, Stefan Fickl, Mauro Fradeani, Roland Frankenberger, Eiji Funakoshi, Petra Gierthmühlen, Christiane Gleissner, Florian Göttfert, Dennis Grosse, Galip Gürel, Christian Haase, Horst-Wolfgang Haase, Manuela Hackenberg, Jörg Haist, Anke Handrock, Arndt Happe, Karsten Heegewaldt, Rüdiger Henrici, Michael Hülsmann, Hajime Igarashi, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Hideaki Katsuyama, Kathryn Kell, Matthias Kern, Fouad Khoury, Marko Knauf, Ralf J. Kohal, Stefen Koubi, Fabian Langenbach, Henriette Terezia Lerner, Thomas Malik, Siegfried Marquardt, Henrike März, Kathleen Menzel, Helen Möhrke, Kotaro Nakata, Marc L. Nevins, Masayuki Okawa, Rebecca Otto, Mark Stephen Pace, Shanon Patel, Karin Probst, Domenico Ricucci, Katrin Rinke, Irena Sailer, Edgar Schäfer, Ralf Schäfermeier, Jan Schellenberger, Tom Schloss, Gottfried Schmalz, Devorah Schwartz-Arad, Frank Schwarz, Thomas A. Schwenk, Anton Sculean, Bernd Stadlinger, Athanasios Stamos, Ana Stevanovic, Masana Suzuki, Senichi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Takino, Sameh Talaat, Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi, Hideaki Ueda, Istvan Urban, Luc W. M. van der Sluis, Eric Van Dooren, Bart Van Meerbeek, Paula Vassallo, Juliane von Hoyningen-Huene, Michael Walter, Siegbert Witkowski, Stefan Wolfart, Sylvia Wuttig, Masao Yamazaki, Maciej Zarow, Matthias Zehnder, Raquel Zita Gomes, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr, Bettina Zydatiß
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
45. Dt. Fortbildungskongress für zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte 2016 & minilu Academy
Zahnersatz heute - ein Update26. Feb 2016 — 27. Feb 2016Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Felix Blankenstein, Yvonne Devant, Susanne Fath, Maxi Findeiß, Susanne Graack, Wolfgang B. Hannak, Sönke Harder, Alexander Hassel, Holger Kämpe, Matthias Kern, Christa Maurer, Monika Maxerath, Helen Möhrke, Ingrid Peroz, Heike Rubehn, Bernd Wöstmann
Aim: The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of using different materials for the fabrication of implant abutments and crowns on the mechanical behavior of implant-supported single crowns after artificial aging. The materials were tested in different combinations to reveal whether using stiff or resilient materials as an abutment or a crown material might influence the fracture strength of the whole structure. Materials and methods: A total of 40 implants (blueSKY) were restored with identical custom-made CAD/CAM abutments milled out of lithium disilicate or ceramic-reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and divided into five test groups (n = 8). Forty crowns made of three different materials (zirconia, lithium disilicate, and ceramic-reinforced PEEK) were used to restore the abutments. Specimens were subjected to mechanical loading up to 1,200,000 cycles in a chewing simulator (Kausimulator) with additional thermal cycling. The surviving specimens were subjected to quasi-static loading using a universal testing machine (Z010). Results: The PEEK abutments with zirconia crowns showed the highest median failure load (3890.5 N) while the PEEK abutments with lithium disilicate crowns exhibited the lowest (1920 N). Fracture and deformation occurred in both the crowns and abutments. Conclusion: The failure load of the restorations was influenced by the material of the abutment and crown. Restoring PEEK abutments with zirconia crowns showed a high failure load and no screw loosening.
Keywords: CAD/CAM, custom-made implant abutment, implant abutment, lithium disilicate, PEEK, zirconia
Ziel der in diesem Beitrag beschriebenen Studie war es, die Bruchfestigkeit vollanatomischer Kronen aus drei verschiedenen Zirkonoxidtypen mit unterschiedlichem Gehalt an Yttriumoxid zu bestimmen. Es zeigte sich, dass die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Zirkonoxidkeramik darunter leiden können, wenn der Yttriumoxidgehalt erhöht wird, um die optischen Eigenschaften zu verbessern. Das transluzentere 5Y-TZP wies dennoch eine sehr hohe Bruchfestigkeit auf, die 3000 N überstieg. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie legen nahe, den Einsatz von Zirkonoxid mit hohem Yttriumoxidgehalt in Bereichen oder Situationen mit hohen Belastungen sorgfältig abzuwägen.
Keywords: Zirkonoxid, Keramik, künstliche Alterung, Yttriumoxid
Dieser Fallbericht zeigt die prothetische Rehabilitation eines älteren Patienten mit einer Parodontitis im Stadium IV, Grad A. Es lagen verkürzte Zahnreihen im Ober- und Unterkiefer sowie zusätzliche Schaltlücken im Unterkiefer vor. Die prothetische Rehabilitation erfolgte vor 20 Jahren prinzipiell schon gemäß den Empfehlungen der aktuellen europäischen Leitlinie zur Versorgung bei Zahnverlust im Stadium IV der Parodontitis. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieses Fallberichtes liegt auf der prothetischen Rehabilitation und der Langzeitbewährung zweier einflügeliger Adhäsivbrücken im Unterkieferfrontzahnbereich, wobei die entsprechenden Pfeilerzähne schon vor 20 Jahren einen Attachmentverlust von ca. 60−70 % aufwiesen. In den jährlichen Nachuntersuchungen sind neben einer unterstützenden Parodontitistherapie lediglich kleinere restaurative Maßnahmen notwendig geworden. Sowohl die parodontale Situation als auch die prothetischen Versorgungen sind über den Beobachtungszeitraum von 20 Jahren stabil. Es sind keine weiteren Zähne verloren gegangen.
Keywords: Parodontitis, Stadium IV, Adhäsivbrücke, Implantattherapie, verkürzte Zahnreihe, Langzeiterfolg, Langzeitbeobachtung, Fallbericht
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt, warum einflügelige Adhäsivbrücken bei traumatischen Schneidezahnverlusten schon im Kindes- und Jugendalter und bei Nichtanlagen im Jugendalter eine hervorragende minimalinvasive Versorgungsmöglichkeit von Schneidezahnlücken darstellen. Der frühzeitige Ersatz eines traumatisch verloren gegangenen bleibenden Schneidezahns durch eine einflügelige Adhäsivbrücke im Kindesalter scheint den Erhalt des zahnlosen Kammbereichs zu begünstigen und erlaubt gleichzeitig eine ggf. notwendige kieferorthopädische Therapie, beinhaltet aber andererseits nicht das Risiko einer Wachstumshemmung durch die Verblockung von Zähnen. Bei Nichtanlagen bieten einflügelige Adhäsivbrücken eine Möglichkeit zum Ersatz der fehlenden Zähne in Einzellücken, sobald die ggf. notwendige kieferorthopädische Therapie abgeschlossen ist. Eine oft Jahre andauernde provisorische Lückenversorgung mit all ihren Nachteilen kann durch den frühzeitigen Einsatz von Adhäsivbrücken vermieden werden. Zwar ist die Behandlung mit Adhäsivbrücken techniksensitiv, aber bei richtiger Indikationsstellung und adäquatem Vorgehen sind die erzielten Ergebnisse äußerst zuverlässig.
Purpose: To investigate the influence of contamination and different cleaning methods on resin bonding to cobalt-chro-mium (CoCr) alloy disks.Materials and Methods: A total of 160 CoCr disks were divided into 3 groups. The first group (N = 64) was air abraded with alumina particles; the second group (N=64) was air abraded and contaminated with silicone disclosing agent and saliva; the third group (N = 32) was neither air abraded nor contaminated. The first two groups were divided into 4 subgroups (N = 16) according to the cleaning method: ultrasonic bath in 99% isopropanol, use of a cleaning suspension of zirconium oxide particles, use of a cleaning suspension based on 10-MDP salt, and treatment with atmospheric plasma. The third group was divided into 2 subgroups (N = 16): treatment with atmospheric plasma and no treatment. All CoCr specimens were bonded to plexiglas tubes filled with a bonding resin that contained phosphate monomer. Tensile bond strength (TBS) was examined by tensile testing after 3 and 150 days of water storage plus 37,500 thermal cycles (N = 8).Results: After contamination, TBS was significantly reduced after 150 days of water storage. Groups without air abrasion showed initially low TBS and debonded spontaneously after 150 days of water storage.Conclusion: None of the cleaning methods was able to remove saliva and silicone disclosing agent on CoCr-alloy sur-faces. Surface activation by plasma treatment has no long-term effect on the bond strength.
Keywords: alloy, contamination, cleaning, bonding, plasma treatment
Open Access Online OnlyClinical ResearchDOI: 10.3290/j.jad.b5883893, PubMed ID (PMID): 3968795117. Dec 2024,Pages 283-292, Language: EnglishTürp, Lisa / Nehrke, Lucas / Schadte, Philipp / Siebert, Leonard / Kern, Matthias
Purpose: The purpose of this laboratory study was to evaluate common materials for isolation and neutralizing agents for hydrofluoric acid (HF). Additionally, surfaces of lithium disilicate ceramic were examined for precipitates after the etching and neutralizing process.
Materials and Methods: The HF permeability of the following isolation agents (n=8) was investigated by positioning them over pH indicator paper under airtight conditions and applying 9% HF: latex rubber dam; elastic plastomer rubber dam; nitrile gloves; latex gloves; liquid rubber dam; Teflon; AZ strip. Four neutralizing agents were tested (n = 8): calcium carbonate plus chlorhexidine gel; calcium hydroxide; calcium D-gluconate monohydrate plus chlorhexidine gel; IPS neutralizing powder plus water. Each agent was mixed with HF, according to a calculated ratio, followed by determining the pH value. Forty lithium disilicate ceramic specimens were divided into five groups (n=8), according to the etching and neutralizing protocol, and examined for precipitates by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis.
Results: All isolation agents were impermeable to HF, except for Teflon. HF could be neutralized with neutralizing agents under laboratory conditions, with mean central pH values ranging from 6 to 11. Assessment with SEM showed precipitates on surfaces when neutralizing with calcium hydroxide only. EDX analysis confirmed residues of calcium fluoride among others.
Conclusion: All tested isolation agents, except for Teflon, seem suitable for clinical use. When using calcium hydroxide for neutralizing, precipitates could remain on the surface of lithium disilicate ceramic.
Keywords: acid etching, glass-ceramic repair, hydrofluoric acid, intraoral repair, isolation agent, lithium disilicate ceramic, neutralization, neutralizing agent
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of post length, post material, and substance loss on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated mandibular premolars. Materials and Methods: A total of 96 extracted human mandibular first premolars were endodontically treated and divided into 12 test groups (n = 8 each) based on the number of residual walls (one/two), post material (glass-fiber/titanium), and post length (5 mm, 7.5 mm, and 10 mm). After luting the posts, specimens received a composite resin core and a crown preparation with a 1.5-mm ferrule. Cast cobalt-chromium crowns were cemented using glass-ionomer cement. After 1,200,000 chewing cycles with a load of 49 N and simultaneous thermocycling (5°C to 55°C), specimens were quasi-statically loaded at 30 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the tooth until fracture. Fracture loads were analyzed using three-way, two-way, and one-way ANOVA (α = .05). Fracture modes were examined under a stereomicroscope (×25 magnification) and recorded. Results: The mean ± SD fracture loads ranged from 642 ± 190 N (one wall, glass fiber, 5 mm) to 1,170 ± 130 N (two walls, titanium, 7.5 mm). The mean fracture load of titanium posts was significantly higher than that of glass-fiber posts (P < .001), and the 7.5-mm post length exhibited significantly higher fracture loads than groups with 5-mm and 10-mm post length (P = .008). Conclusions: Teeth restored with titanium posts revealed considerably higher fracture resistance than teeth restored with glass-fiber posts, especially if 7.5-mm–length posts were used.