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Miguel A. Ortiz, DMD, has become recognized around the world for his proficiency in dental photography and cinematography. Recognizing a need for dental photography training in the US, he created MaoPhotographs, a dental photography curriculum that has since expanded internationally. Through these courses, he brings awareness to evidence-based dentistry, attention to detail, and craftsmanship. He is the author of Lit: The Simple Protocol for Dental Photography in the Age of Social Media (Quintessence Publishing, 2019). Dr Ortiz lectures nationally and internationally on prosthodontics and dental photography and is a full-time prosthodontist on the dental team of Brookline Dental Center in Boston.
1st Edition 2022 Book Hardcover, 30 x 22,1, 248 pages, 357 illustrations Language: Spanish Categories: Radiology and Photography, General Dentistry Stock No.: 22014 ISBN 978-0-86715-971-4 QP USA
1st Edition 2019 Book Hardcover, 30,3 x 22,2, 248 pages, 357 illustrations Language: English Categories: Radiology and Photography, General Dentistry Stock No.: 22011 ISBN 978-0-86715-802-1 QP USA
148,00 €78,00 €
The 14th International Symposium on Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry (ISPRD)
9. Jun 2022 — 12. Jun 2022Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, United States of America
Speakers: Tara Aghaloo, Edward P. Allen, Evanthia Anadioti, Wael Att, Vinay Bhide, Markus B. Blatz, Scotty Bolding, Lorenzo Breschi, Jeff Brucia, Daniel Buser, Luigi Canullo, Daniele Cardaropoli, Stephen J. Chu, Donald Clem, Christian Coachman, Lyndon F. Cooper, Daniel Cullum, Lee Culp, José Carlos Martins da Rosa, Sergio De Paoli, Marco Degidi, Nicholas Dello Russo, Serge Dibart, Joseph P. Fiorellini, Mauro Fradeani, Stuart J. Froum, David Garber, Maria L. Geisinger, William Giannobile, Luca Gobbato, Ueli Grunder, Galip Gürel, Chad Gwaltney, Christoph Hämmerle, Robert A. Horowitz, Marc Hürzeler, David Kim, Gregg Kinzer, Christopher Köttgen, Ina Köttgen, Purnima S. Kumar, Burton Langer, Lydia Legg, Pascal Magne, Kenneth A. Malament, Jay Malmquist, George Mandelaris, Pamela K. McClain, Michael K. McGuire, Mauro Merli, Konrad H. Meyenberg, Craig M. Misch, Julie A. Mitchell, Marc L. Nevins, Myron Nevins, Michael G. Newman, Miguel A. Ortiz, Jacinthe M. Paquette, Stefano Parma-Benfenati, Michael A. Pikos, Giulio Rasperini, Pamela S. Ray, Christopher R. Richardson, Isabella Rocchietta, Marisa Roncati, Marco Ronda, Paul S. Rosen, Maria Emanuel Ryan, Irena Sailer, Maurice Salama, David M. Sarver, Takeshi Sasaki, Todd Scheyer, Massimo Simion, Michael Sonick, Sergio Spinato, Dennis P. Tarnow, Lorenzo Tavelli, Douglas A. Terry, Tiziano Testori, Carlo Tinti, Istvan Urban, Hom-Lay Wang, Robert Winter, Giovanni Zucchelli
Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc. USA
This author's journal articles
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 4/2023
ErfahrungsberichtPages 364-373, Language: GermanOrtiz, Miguel A.
Intraorale Fotografie ist nicht einfach. Es gibt aber ein paar Tricks und Kniffe, mit denen, wenn sie ein paar Mal geübt wurden, auf relativ einfache Weise gute intraorale Fotos entstehen. Beschrieben werden die richtigen Blitzeinstellungen, die Positionierung der Patienten und das Vorgehen bei Frontal-, Okklusal- und Lateralaufnahmen. Hinzu kommen Tipps für den richtigen Umgang mit Spiegeln und Kontrastoren.
Keywords: Fotografie, Blitz, Positionierung, Frontalaufnahme, Okklusalaufnahme