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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

57 Authors/Speakers


Dr. med. T. Fischer

Germany, Potsdam

Peter Fischer †

Peter Fischer ist Physiotherapeut, Doctor of Physical Therapy (www.usa.edu), und beschäftigt sich seit 30 Jahren mit der Prävention und Eigentherapie von Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden. Er hat den "Rücken-Fit-Navi" erarbeitet, in den letzten 12 Jahren kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und für die Anwendung in der Praxis optimiert. Seine Arbeit wurde in Deutschland und in den USA mit verschiedenen Auszeichnungen prämiert — zuletzt mit dem "PhysioAward" 2015.

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Dr. Altamiro Flávio


Altamiro Flávio ist Zahnmediziner mit Abschluss an der Goias Federal University. Seit 1992 ist er Spezialist für prothetische Versorgung und hat seit 2004 eine Professur für zahnärztliche Prothetik inne. Er ist Mitbegründer der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Botulinumtoxin und Gesichtsimplantate (SBTI) sowie Mitglied und wissenschaftlicher Koordinator der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (SBOE). Neben seiner Tätigkeit in eigener Klinik veranstaltet er weltweit Kurse und Seminare, in denen er sein Wissen an Kollegen weitergibt.

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Rebecca Föhr

Rebecca Föhr is a passionate cook and food blogger. From an early age, she loved being in the kitchen and helping her mother bake and cook. She started cooking her own dishes at an early age and eventually discovered photography. Since 2016, she has been regularly showing on her Instagram account (xbeccabella) how delicious, mainly plant-based food can look in order to inspire her readers to try healthy and varied cuisine and encourage them to follow suit.

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Dr. Alberto Fonzar

Italy, Basaldella

Graduated cum laude in 1986 in Medicine and Surgery at the Univ. of Trieste, specialized with honors in Dentistry in 1989 at the Univ. of Pisa. Dr. Fonzar has been directing the “E.Fonzar” Friulian Dental Clinic in Campoformido (UD) since 1996. Periodontology, implantology and prosthetics are the specializations to which Dr. Fonzar has dedicated his activity, becoming one of the leading European experts. Active member and Past President of SIDP, member AIOP and Int. College of Dentistry, Dr. Fonzar is involved in periodontal clinical research projects and theaches at the Univ. of Trieste and Modena. Speaker in Italy and abroad at conferences on the subject of periodontology, implantology and prosthodontics. 

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Dr. Mauro Fradeani MD, DDS

Italy, Pesaro

Mauro Fradeani, MD, DDS, is the founder and director of ACE Institute and Fradeani Education. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and is an associate editor of The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He is the author of Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics, Volume 1: Esthetic Analysis: A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Treatment (Quintessence, 2004) and Volume 2: Prosthetic Treatment: A Systematic Approach to Esthetic, Biologic, and Functional Integration (Quintessence, 2008). Dr Fradeani maintains a private practice limited to prosthetics on natural dentition and on implants in Pesaro, Italy.

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Dr. Michael Frank

Germany, Frankfurt (Main) More information

PD Dr. Rene Franzen

Germany, Aachen
2001-2011: Scientist at RWTH Aachen University. 2011: Head of Preclinical Research and Education an der AALZ Aachen Dental Laser Center GmbH. 2011: Visiting scientist at RWTH Aachen University.
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Prof. Dr. medic. (RO) Alina Fratila

Germany, Bonn

Alina Fratila ist seit vielen Jahren als renommierte Ärztin in der ästhetischen Chirurgie und Dermatologie tätig.

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Anna Carolina Freiheit

Germany, Berlin

Anna Carolina Freiheit was born in Berlin in 1992. After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 2009, she changed her diet completely and became vegan. She trained as a vegan nutritionist to be able to pass on her newly acquired knowledge to others. Since 2016, Anna has run the Instagram blog Healthyliciousvegan and is currently completing her fitness trainer license.

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Jackie Freitag

Jackie Freitag’s fight against herself began in her childhood. After the difficult circumstances in her parental home got out of hand, Jackie found solace in food and sport from the age of 10. A long ordeal followed, during which she suffered from eating disorders for a total of 13 years, including bulimia, binge eating, and even anorexia. In 2014, she found her footing in the fitness scene. Jackie set up her own business as a certified fitness trainer (A license) and certified nutritionist (A license). However, then came the great awakening and her first leap of consciousness, which made her rethink her entire life. Because what is often concealed in the fitness scene are the problems and downsides behind all the admiration! There are constant ups and downs: metabolic problems, binge eating, weight gain, psychologic pressure, mood swings, and the resulting eating disorders. But nobody wants to talk about these things or come out of the closet. After her “awakening,” Jackie dedicated herself to her years-long battle against herself to find out what was really behind it, what the causes were, and where this relentless craving for recognition and admiration from the “outside” actually originated. The beginning of a long, deep, and instructive inner healing journey began. After years of self-analysis and emotional self-care, she analyzed her behavior, changed her habits, worked through her traumas, continued her education (including psychotherapy, trauma processing, inner child work, neuroplasticity, brain functions, personality development, and spirituality), trained as a yoga teacher, and healed her soul and body from the inside out. Since the end of 2019, as a former sufferer, she has been helping people to end the struggle with themselves, their bodies, and food. Today, Jackie Freitag is a speaker at events, an author, and a missionary with a big vision: She wants to bring people back to their full power, enable them to rediscover their inner glow, and promote their full potential. Together with her team, consisting of former sufferers, coaches, nutritionists, psychologists, and doctors, she has already been able to accompany over 1500 people in recent years on their journey toward a new lease on life.

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Prof. Dr. Cornelia Frese

Germany, Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Frese ist Leitende Oberärztin/Stellvertretende Ärztliche Direktorin der Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltungskunde des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg. Sie ist Spezialistin für Präventive und Restaurative Zahnheilkunde der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung (DGZ) und Spezialistin für Seniorenzahnmedizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Alterszahnmedizin (DGAZ).

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Mundgesundheit und Präventionskonzepte in Risikogruppen (z.B. Hundertjährige und Hochbetagte), Entwicklung, Beschreibung, Implementierung und Evaluation neuer Therapieverfahren mit direkten Kompositmaterialien, experimentelle Zahnerhaltung (Mikrobiologie und Biomaterialforschung).

Autorin zahlreicher Fortbildungsbeiträge zu o.g. wissenschaftlichen und klinischen Schwerpunkten

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Dr. med. K. J. Friedrich

Germany, Wolfsburg