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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland


824 Products found

Andreas Alt / Bernard C. Kolster

Du bist dein eigener Therapeut

Backache – How to Manage my Complaints in Three Simple Steps

1st Edition 2021
Softcover, 14 x 19,8 cm, 190 pages, 50 illus
Language: German
Categories: Patient Education, Physiotherapy, Guide Health & Medical Science
Stock No.: 30298
ISBN 978-3-86867-567-2
KVM Verlag

Andreas Alt / Bernard C. Kolster

Du bist dein eigener Therapeut (Gesamtreihe)

Wie ich meine Beschwerden selbst in drei einfachen Schritten in den Griff bekomme

1st Editions 2021 and 2022
jeweils Softcover, 14 x 19,8 cm
Language: German
Categories: Patient Education, Guide Health & Medical Science, Physiotherapy
KVM Verlag

Douglas A. Terry

Restoring the Intraradicular Space

Esthetic Post Systems

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,9 x 24,9 cm, 268 pages, 895 illus
Language: English
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry, Endodontics
Stock No.: 23421
ISBN 978-1-64724-056-1

Paul Coceancig

6 Ways to Design a Face

Corrective Jaw Surgery to Optimize Bite, Airway, and Facial Balance

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,59 x 27,94 cm, 256 pages, 774 illus
Language: English
Category: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Stock No.: 23441
ISBN 978-0-86715-966-0

Brian Fulton

Placeboeffekte therapeutisch nutzen

Behandlungserfolge in der Manuellen Therapie mit dem Placeboeffekt optimieren

1st Edition 2021
Softcover, 15 x 22,5 cm, 412 pages, 20 illustrations (black/white)
Language: German
Categories: Physiotherapy, Guide Health & Medical Science
Stock No.: 30287
ISBN 978-3-86867-533-7
KVM Verlag

Vincent Ronco


Un Concept Global en Chirurgie Plastique Parodontale

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 354 pages, 682 illus
Language: French
Category: Periodontics
ISBN 9782366150612
QP France

Thomas Kirches (Editor)
Jens-Peter Jahn / Frank Kuhnert / Gert Graeser / Thomas Sander

Meine Praxis in gute Hände

Leitfaden zur Abgabe einer Zahnarztpraxis

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 14,8 x 21 cm, 144 pages, 8 illus
Language: German
Categories: Practice Management, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 23430
ISBN 978-3-86867-547-4
QP Deutschland

A. Burak Çankaya / Korkud Demirel

The Art of Dental Suturing

A Clinical Guide

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover; 21 x 29,7 cm, 112 pages, 141 illus
Language: English
Categories: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 22991
ISBN 978-1-78698-103-5
QP Deutschland

Nikolaos Donos / Stephen Barter / Daniel Wismeijer (Editor)
Mario Roccuzzo / Anton Sculean

Peri-Implant Soft-Tissue Integration and Management

Series: ITI Treatment Guide Series, Volume 12
1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 224 pages, 672 illus
Language: English
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 22451
ISBN 978-1-78698-101-1
QP Deutschland

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas / Juan Mesa-Jiménez (Editor)

Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktionen (CMD)

Untersuchung | Manualtherapie | Neurowissenschaftliche Behandlungsansätze | Faszien- und Triggerpunkttherapie | Dry Needling | Akupunktur

1. Auflage 2021
Softcover, 18,9 x 24,6 cm, 322 pages, 100 illustrations (black/white)
Language: German
Category: Orthodontics
Stock No.: 30256
ISBN 978-3-86867-532-0
KVM Verlag

Sybille Neubert

Bewegung im Babyalter

1st Edition 2021
Softcover; 16,5 x 22 cm, 162 pages, 75 illus
Language: German
Categories: Guide Parenthood & Family Life, Guide Health & Medical Science
Stock No.: 51120
ISBN 978-3-948942-08-3

Gregor von Holdt / Stefanie Nolden


Stoffwechsel einheizen – Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover; 19,3 x 24,6 cm, 162 pages, 75 illus
Language: German
Category: Guide Health & Nutrition
Stock No.: 51090
ISBN 978-3-948942-07-6

Glécio Vaz de Campos / Cláudio Julio Lopes

Periodontal and Peri-implant Plastic Microsurgery

Minimally Invasive Techniques with Maximum Precision

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover; 21,59 x 27,94 cm, 368 pages, 1247 illus
Language: English
Categories: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery, Periodontics
Stock No.: 22641
ISBN 978-0-86715-819-9

Arun K. Garg / Renato Rossi jr.

Dermal Fillers for Dental Professionals

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 208 pages, 645 illus
Language: English
Categories: Dermatology, Esthetic Dentistry
Stock No.: 23181
ISBN 978-0-86715-830-4

Eloá Luvizuto / Thallita Queiroz

Arquitectura facial

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 512 pages, 1218 illus
Language: Spanish
Category: Esthetic Dentistry
ISBN 978-85-480-0098-0

Klaus-Peter Valerius / Astrid Frank / Bernard C. Kolster / Christine Hamilton / Enrique Alejandre-Lafont / Roland Kreutzer

Das Muskelbuch

Anatomie – Untersuchung – Bewegung

8., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2021
Softcover, 19,2 x 24 cm, 472 pages, 810 illus
Language: German
Categories: Physiotherapy, Anatomy
Stock No.: 30277
ISBN 978-3-86867-550-4
KVM Verlag

Dr Andreia Perlingeiro

Esculpiendo rostros

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 540 pages, 743 illus
Language: Spanish
Category: Esthetic Dentistry
ISBN 978-65-88546-29-1

Richard J. Miron (Editor)

Understanding Platelet-Rich Fibrin

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover; 21,59 x 27,94 cm, 384 pages, 600 illus
Language: English
Categories: Periodontics, Implantology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Endodontics, Esthetic Dentistry, Human Medicine
Stock No.: 23621
ISBN 978-1-64724-049-3

Britta Knoll / Marco Hördt

Kompendium der kurativen und präventiven Mesotherapie

Injection Techniques and Application Recommendations for 240 Clinical Indications

1st Edition 2021
Softcover, 17,6 x 25 cm, 228 pages, 110 illus
Language: German
Category: Human Medicine
Stock No.: 30272
ISBN 978-3-86867-515-3
KVM Verlag

Dra Andrea Tedesco

Armonización facial

La nueva cara de la odontología

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 456 pages, 943 illus
Language: Spanish
Category: Esthetic Dentistry
ISBN 978-85-480-0095-9

Jean-François Lasserre


L'art et la nature dans les restaurations céramiques

1st Edition 2021
Two Volume Hardcover with Slipcase, 786 pages, 2400 illus
Language: French
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry, Dental Technology, Prosthodontics
ISBN 9782366150476
QP France

Marga B. Wagner-Pischel (Editor)

Danube Private University: Jahrbuch 2020/2021

Ein neues Ganzes – Alles ist mit allem vernetzt

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 196 pages, 70 illus
Language: German
Categories: General Dentistry, Human Medicine
Stock No.: 23590
ISBN 978-3-86867-542-9
QP Deutschland

Regine Reymond / Christian Köhler

Die Lippe

45 Injektionstechniken zur ästhetischen Lippenbehandlung

1. Auflage 2021
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 356 pages, 640 illus
Language: German
Category: Dermatology
Stock No.: 30246
ISBN 978-3-86867-402-6
KVM Verlag

Marlena Izdebska

Best of Bowls

Easy, Delicious and Healthy

2nd Edition 2021
Hardcover; 19,3 x 24,6 cm, 152 pages, 75 illus
Language: English
Category: Guide Health & Nutrition
Stock No.: 51001
ISBN 978-3-948942-01-4