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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Jeffrey P. Okeson

Bell's Oral and Facial Pain

7th Edition 2014
Hardcover, 560 pages, 260 illustrations
Language: English
Category: Functional Therapy

Stock No.: 16041
ISBN 978-0-86715-654-6

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Pain, especially chronic pain, is a major health care problem, a fact that has precipitated a recent dramatic expansion in pain-related research efforts. This revised edition of Dr Welden Bell's classic text has been updated to incorporate the latest findings from these studies, including advanced understanding of the neurophysiology and central processing of pain and the resulting changes to diagnostic, classification, and treatment guidelines. To assist clinicians in the difficult and often complicated task of managing patients suffering from oral and facial pain, this textbook provides documented information concerning pain and pain behavior so that one may better understand what pain is, how it behaves, and how it might best be managed; develops a useful classification of orofacial pain disorders; offers practical diagnostic criteria by which the different orofacial pain disorders can be identified on a clinical level; and suggests guidelines for the effective management of patients who suffer from pain in the region of the mouth and face. The concepts and techniques discussed are supplemented with case reports as well as new, full-color photographs and illustrations to help the clinician better understand orofacial pain disorders and how to treat them effectively.

Part I. The Nature of Pain
Chapter 01. Defining the Problem
Chapter 02. The Neural Anatomy of Oral and Facial Pain
Chapter 03. The Neurophysiology of Peripheral Nociception
Chapter 04. The Neurophysiology of Nociception in the Dorsal Horn and Brainstem
Chapter 05. The Central Processing of Pain
Chapter 06. The Processing of Pain at the Supraspinal Level

Part II. Clinical Considerations of Oral and Facial Pain
Chapter 07. The Various Clinical Presentations of Pain
Chapter 08. Category Classification of Oral and Facial Pain
Chapter 09. Principles of Pain Diagnosis
Chapter 10. General Considerations in Managing Oral and Facial Pain

Part III. Clinical Pain Syndromes
Chapter 11. Cutaneous and Mucogingival Pains
Chapter 12. Dental Pains
Chapter 13. Pains of Muscle Origin
Chapter 14. Temporomandibular Joint Pains
Chapter 15. Other Musculoskeletal Pains
Chapter 16. Visceral Pains
Chapter 17. Vascular and Neurovascular Pains
Chapter 18. Neuropathic Pains
Chapter 19. Psychologic Factors and Oral and Facial Pain
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