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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Alessandro Agnini / Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini

La rivoluzione digitale 2.0

Applicazioni clinico-tecniche nella pratica quotidiana

Copertina rigida; formato 21x28, 448 pages, 1240 illustrations
Language: Italian
Categories: Digital dentistry, General Dentistry, Practice Management

ISBN 978-88-7492-089-1
QP Italy

One book - one tree: For every Quintessence book sold, we plant a tree, together with the organization “One Tree Planted,” to support worldwide reforestation.

La tecnologia ha rivoluzionato l'odontoiatria, aprendo un'era di sfide e opportunità. Gli strumenti digitali sono essenziali per diagnosticare, progettare, pianificare e realizzare terapie correttive con successo in un mercato competitivo. Questo volume guida il Team Odontoiatrico nel pianificare investimenti, superare la curva di apprendimento, coinvolgere il team e integrare la tecnologia nella routine quotidiana, superando la zona di comfort. Con un focus sulla Digital Dentistry, il libro descrive i pilastri di un'odontoiatria innovativa, capace di garantire differenziazione, unicità, efficienza e predicibilità, combinando avanzamenti clinici, tecnici e comunicativi.

Argomenti e contenuti 

Introduzione alla moderna odontoiatria
Le tecnologie del flusso digitale
Architettura del sorriso digitale
Evoluzione dei materiali metal-free
Approccio full-digital nella gestione dei profili di emergenza gengivali
Il ruolo della tecnologia in implanto-protesi
Digital workflows nei full-arch implantari


Dr. Alessandro Agnini

Italy, Modena

Dr. Alessandro Agnini graduated in 1989 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. He practices in his Modena and Sassuolo offices, where he devotes himself exclusively to the disciplines of fixed prosthetics, periodontology, and implantology. Active Member of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO), Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED), Digital Implant and Rehabilitation Academy (DIRA), International Digital Dental Academy (IDDA), from 2006 to 2020 Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP). Founding member of the Italian Society of Prosthetics and Oral Rehabilitation (SIPRO). Author and coauthor of scientific publications in national and international journals and speaker at national and international congresses. Since 2011, he has been a speaker at www.dentalxp.com, of which he is a member of the editorial board. Author of the books The Digital Revolution: the Learning Curve and The Digital Revolution 2.0: Clinico-Technical Applications in Daily Practice published by Quintessence Publishing Italy in 2014 and 2022, respectively. ANDI Modena cultural secretary from March 2013 to March 2019. Founder, together with his brother, of Digital Dental Revoultion (DDR) Education, a company whose aim is to organize and participate in congresses and courses in Italy and abroad on dental updating.


Dr. Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini

Italy, Modena

He works as a freelancer in Modena and Sassuolo, together with his brother Alessandro. He attended a master's degree cource at New York university in 2009 to 2011, with Dr Dennis Tarnow, Dr Christian Stappert, Dr Stephen Chu and Dr Michael Bral, among others, as teachers and mentors. He was in the academic year 2010 to 2011 Clinical Research Fellow of the Ashman Department of Periodontics and Implantology at New York University, working with Dr Sang Choon Cho. Since 2011, he has been a speaker at www.dentalxp.com where he is part of the editorial board. Author and coauthor of scientific publications in national and international journals and speaker at national and international congresses. Author of the books The Digital Revolution: the Learning Curve and The Digital Revolution 2.0: Clinicao-Technical Applications in Daily Practice published by Quintessence Publishing Italy in 2014 and 2022, respectively. Founder, together with his brother Alessandro, of DDR Education, a company whose aim is to organize and participate in congresses and courses in Italy and abroad on dental updating. Active member of DIRA since 2020, active member of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) and founding member of SIPRO.