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8 Produkte gefunden

Anita Beckmann / Ulrike Uhlmann (Editor)

Das restriktive Zungenband

An interdisciplinary challenge

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 256 pages, 370 illus
Language: German
Categories: General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry
Stock No.: 23910
ISBN 978-3-86867-610-5
QP Deutschland

Vincent Fehmer (Editor)

Komplexe Restaurationen und digitale Technologien

Die Quintessenz klinischer und zahntechnischer Innovationen

Expected publication: November 2024
Series: QDT Yearbook
1st Edition 2025
Hardcover; 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 260 pages, 730 illus
Language: German
Categories: Prosthodontics, Dental Technology, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 21090
ISBN 978-3-86867-717-1
QP Deutschland

Product in preparation.

Otto Zuhr / Marc Hürzeler

Decision Making at the Crossroads between Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

A Call for Personalized Oral Medicine

Expected publication: May 2025
1st Edition 2025
3 volumes in a hardcover slipcase; 23.5 x 30.5 cm; incl 19 videos with 34 minutes total runtime, 1900 pages, 4900 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics
Stock No.: 21071
ISBN 978-1-78698-126-4
QP Deutschland

Product in preparation.

Daniel Buser (Editor)

Membrangeschützte Knochenregeneration in der Implantologie

Expected publication: February 2025
2nd revised and expanded Edition 2025
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 352 pages, 1040 illus
Language: German
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 23170
ISBN 978-3-86867-587-0
QP Deutschland

Product in preparation.

Irena Sailer / Vincent Fehmer / Bjarni E. Pjetursson

Fixed Restorations

A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 23,5 x 30,5 cm + 5 doublesided inserted cards, 744 pages, 2750 illus
Language: English
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology
Stock No.: 21321
ISBN 978-1-78698-027-4
QP Deutschland

Werner Schupp / Julia Haubrich

Aligner Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics

2nd Edition 2023
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 672 pages, 3500 illus
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics
Stock No.: 22521
ISBN 978-1-78698-106-6
QP Deutschland

Björn Ludwig / Jens Johannes Bock (Editor)

Kieferorthopädie up to date

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 316 pages, 890 illus
Language: German
Category: Orthodontics
Stock No.: 10880
ISBN 978-3-86867-658-7
QP Deutschland

Pascal Magne / Urs C. Belser

Biomimetische Restaurative Zahnheilkunde

2nd revised and expanded Edition 2023
2 Bände im Hardcover im Schuber; 21 x 28 cm, 888 pages, 2500 illus
Language: German
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Dental Technology, Student literature
Stock No.: 23490
ISBN 978-3-86867-598-6
QP Deutschland


12 Produkte gefunden

Nasib Balut (Editor)

Passive Self-Ligation from A to Z

1st Edition 2022
ePub, 332 pages, 2063 illus
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics
ISBN 978-1-64724-099-8

Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Osseointegration

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 1
2nd Revised Edition 2016
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in hardcover; PAL/NTSC; 12 min
Language: English
Categories: Human Medicine, Implantology, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 5690
ISBN 978-1-85097-295-2
QP Deutschland


Online Service
Language: German, English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 94
QP Deutschland

Daniel Buser / Dieter Weingart / Hideaki Katsuyama

Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures

Multilingual Edition

Series: ITI Treatment Guide Series
1st Edition 2012
NTSC/PAL; Runtime: 54 min.
Language: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 5704
ISBN 978-1-85097-230-3
QP Deutschland

Giorgio Tabanella

Entscheidungskriterien bei Neubehandlungen nach Fehlschlägen

1. Auflage 2019
4 DVDs, detaillierte dt. Booklets im Hardcover, NTSC/PAL
Language: German
Category: Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 2800
ISBN 978-3-86867-420-0
QP Deutschland


Tord Berglundh / Søren Jepsen / Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Peri-implantitis and its Prevention

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 6
1st Edition 2019
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in hardcover; PAL/NTSC; 15 min
Language: English
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 5710
ISBN 978-1-78698-021-2
QP Deutschland

Michael Arnold

Fragmententfernung mit System

Multimediales Kompendium

1. Auflage 2014
DVD im Hardcover mit Ringösenheftung; Laufzeit: ca. 140 Min., 30 pages, 85 illus
Language: German
Category: Endodontics
Stock No.: 3300
ISBN 978-3-86867-192-6
QP Deutschland

Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Kommunikation der Zellen: Die parodontale Regeneration

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Band 3
1. Auflage 2015
2 DVDs inkl. detailliertem Booklet im Hardcover
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Periodontics
Stock No.: 5720
ISBN 978-3-86867-251-0
QP Deutschland

Douglas A. Terry

Ästhetik in der Zahnheilkunde

Materialien und Techniken

1. Auflage 2013
DVD in Slim Box; Gesamtlaufzeit: 124 Min.
Language: German
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Dental Technology
Stock No.: 3700
ISBN 978-3-86867-199-5
QP Deutschland

Tord Berglundh / Søren Jepsen / Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Kommunikation der Zellen: Periimplantitis und ihre Prävention

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Band 6
1. Auflage 2019
2 DVDs inkl. detailliertem Booklet im Hardcover
Language: German
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 5740
ISBN 978-3-86867-404-0
QP Deutschland

Giorgio Tabanella

Decision making for retreatment of failures in dental medicine

1st Edition 2018
DVD Compendium; NTSC/PAL; Run time: 126 min
Language: English, German, Italian
Category: Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 3800
ISBN 978-1-78698-006-9
QP Deutschland


Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Inflammatory Reactions

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 2
2nd Edition 2013
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in a hardcover; NTSC/PAL
Language: English
Categories: Human Medicine, Periodontics
Stock No.: 5791
ISBN 978-1-85097-243-3
QP Deutschland