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Most viewed videos

The following videos were viewed most often in "Patient information".


20 Products found


Die Teilprothese mit gebogenen Klammern

Gerd H. Basting / Alexander Ammann

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German, English
Source: PED
Category: Removable dentures
available since: 1. Jul 2011

Modifizierte BASS-Technik

Gerd H. Basting

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2005
Language: German
Source: Mein Patient
Category: Oral hygiene
available since: 1. Jul 2011


The edentulous mandible

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Anatomie des Kiefers

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 4 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Die 'klassische' Implantation

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Der zahnlose Unterkiefer

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Jaw anatomy

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 4 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Missing maxillarx single tooth

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Implant healing

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 4 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Die Einheilung des Implantats

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 4 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Bone augmentation following surgery

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Classic implant procedure

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Vom Nuckeln und Lutschen

Gerd H. Basting / Alexander Ammann

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German, English
Source: PED
Category: Malocclusion
available since: 1. Jul 2011


The implant

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Die klammerlose Teilprothese

Gerd H. Basting / Alexander Ammann

Length: 3 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German, English
Source: PED
Category: Removable dentures
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Transalveoläre Sinusbodenelevation

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Provisorische Versorgung

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 3 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Das Implantat

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Einzelzahnlücke im Oberkiefer

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011


Knochenaufbau nach OP (horizontal/vertikal)

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011