Introduction: Excessive gingival display (EGD) is commonly referred to as gummy smile, which is an aesthetic concern for an individual. Lip repositioning is a simple procedure to treat this problem. The procedure restricts the muscle pull of elevator lip muscles, thereby reducing gingival display while smiling. This is a safe and predictable procedure with minimal risk and side effects.
Objectives: Reduction of EGD using surgical lip repositioning
Methodology: A 20-year-old female patient reported to the Department of Periodontology, PGIDS Rohtak with a chief complaint of gummy smile. Clinical examination revealed 5-6mm of maxillary gingival display. The maxillary anterior teeth had smaller crown height with adequate attached gingiva, and vestibular depth was present. Crown lengthening and lip repositioning surgery was performed.
Result: Gingival display at baseline was 5-6mm, which was reduced and stable at 1st month, 3rd month, and 6th month postoperatively.
Conclusion: Lip repositioning procedure is an effective way of reducing excessive gingival display and appears to be a promising alternative treatment option for gummy smile.
Parole chiave: dental aesthetics, gingiva, crown lengthening