The limitations associated with reconstruction of critical-sized bony defects arising from maxillofacial trauma has averted researchers towards bone tissue engineering employing scaffolds prepared from biomaterials having osteogenic potential. In this study we have developed a novel 3-D scaffold with BMP-2 for reconstruction in critical-sized bone defects and compared its regenerative properties with β-TCP and PCL/HA scaffolds in vivo (rabbit model).
Material and methods: Novel Chitosan-gelatin nanohydroxyapatite (nHaP) scaffold reinforced with PCL-nHaP nanofibres was developed. Physical characteristics were evaluated through SEM analysis. Sterilized scaffolds- Novel Graft + BMP2 (G), Polycaprolactone /HA (P) and βTCP (B) were placed in surgically created critical-sized defects in rabbit bone and analysed at an interval of 2, 4, and 6 weeks post implantation. Bone formation was evaluated through Micro CT and histomorphometry.
Results: SEM analysis revealed smooth and bead-free continuous PCL-nHaP fibers with specific peaks of HaP on X-Ray diffraction. The scaffold was highly porous, exhibiting long, smooth partially interconnected polygonal pores. Micro CT images revealed a substantial amount of bone formation in Group G followed by Group P and Group B. The HE stained sections revealed appreciable bone formation at the vicinity of the novel graft.
Conclusion: The novel Chitosan-gelatin nHaP graft reinforced with PCL-nHaP nanofibres is a tested bone substitute for critical-sized bone defects. Its superior physical properties as compared to other commercial bone substitutes, adequate cell attachment and growth, and better neo-osteogenesis and bone healing may contribute topersonalised rehabilitation of maxillofacial trauma patients in the near future.
Parole chiave: biomaterial, bone tissue engineering, critical size defects, PCL nanofibres, chitosan, nano-hydroxyapatite, scaffold