Poster 528, Lingua: IngleseVarma, K. Madhu / Kumar, M. Sita Ram / P., Suresh / Sajjan, Girija S.Objective: The use and efficacy of oxum(SOW), vancomycin, doxorudicin drugs as potential endodontic irrigant by comparing their ph, surface tension ,antimicrobial efficacy properties with sodium hypochlorite.
Method: Sodium hypochlorite,oxum,vancomycin & doxorubicin are diluted in distilled water to obtain 3% sodium hypochlorite , 3%oxum, 3%vancomycin & 3%doxorubicin ( test solution-for endodontic irrigation ). Test microorganisms are enterococuus faecalis, streptococcus pyogene, candida albicans sample are taken. For these test solutions ph is analysed by ph meter & surface tension is analysed by stalagmometer.antimicrobial efficacy is obtained in two ways by using agar petri dish.1) Comparing Zone of Inhibition 2) Colony Forming Units - by pour plate method. For zone of inhibition the inhibition zone on the petri dish are measured with venier calliper and statistically analysed.
Results: 3%Vancomycin showed more inhibition zone when compared with 3% Sodium hypochlorite, 3%oxum, & 3%doxorubicin for colony forming unit the microorganism colonies are calculated using colony counter and 3%vancomycin showed less number of colonies when compared with 3% Sodium hypochlorite, 3%doxorubicin & 3%oxum(SOW).
Conclusion: 3%Vancomycin showed more antimicrobial efficacy on microorganisms (enterococcus faecalis, streptococcs pyogene, candida albicans) when compared with 3% Sodium hypochlorite, 3%doxorubicin & 3%oxum.
Parole chiave: antimicrobial efficacy, root canal irrigants, sodium hypochlorite, antibiotics, vancomycin