Poster 527, Lingua: IngleseMatoušek, Aleš / Skvarilová, Hana / Halacková, Zdenka / Kukletová, MartinaIntroduction: Endodontic treatment requires the temporary closure of access opening. There is a large offer of different materials on the market.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to find a microscopic method of teeth preparation suitable for evaluation of marginal seal quality of temporary fillings.
Material and methods: Cavities of class I and V were filled with different temporary filling materials (zinc-oxide cement, Cavit, Caviton, GIC). The dye penetration method (methylene blue) was used. Preliminary investigation - fractured surfaces of teeth were not suitable for detailed investigation under SEM.
1. The teeth were cut using Accutom 50 (Struers), embedded into acrylic resin, ground and polished for microstructural analysis.
2. The teeth were embedded into acrylic resin, then cut using Accutom 50, ground and polished for microstructural analysis.
3. The teeth were embedded under vacuum into slow-setting epoxy resin, then cut using Accutom 50, ground and polished for microstructural analysis.
Results: The results obtained in the preliminary study were not satisfactory; analysis under SEM was not possible. Methods 1 and 2 allowed the investigation under SEM nevertheless it was very difficult due to the presence of many artificial cracks. Quality of the surface obtained by method 3 was very good, without any cracks or voids and it can be recommended for further detailed studies on quality of temporary filling marginal seal.
Conclusion: The method of sample preparation using vacuum system was found the most suitable for marginal seal evaluation.
Supported by the project 1M0528 and grant No.106/09/H035.
Parole chiave: filling materials, marginal seal, dentistry, light microscopy, SEM, dye penetration, temporary fillings
Poster 528, Lingua: IngleseVarma, K. Madhu / Kumar, M. Sita Ram / P., Suresh / Sajjan, Girija S.Objective: The use and efficacy of oxum(SOW), vancomycin, doxorudicin drugs as potential endodontic irrigant by comparing their ph, surface tension ,antimicrobial efficacy properties with sodium hypochlorite.
Method: Sodium hypochlorite,oxum,vancomycin & doxorubicin are diluted in distilled water to obtain 3% sodium hypochlorite , 3%oxum, 3%vancomycin & 3%doxorubicin ( test solution-for endodontic irrigation ). Test microorganisms are enterococuus faecalis, streptococcus pyogene, candida albicans sample are taken. For these test solutions ph is analysed by ph meter & surface tension is analysed by stalagmometer.antimicrobial efficacy is obtained in two ways by using agar petri dish.1) Comparing Zone of Inhibition 2) Colony Forming Units - by pour plate method. For zone of inhibition the inhibition zone on the petri dish are measured with venier calliper and statistically analysed.
Results: 3%Vancomycin showed more inhibition zone when compared with 3% Sodium hypochlorite, 3%oxum, & 3%doxorubicin for colony forming unit the microorganism colonies are calculated using colony counter and 3%vancomycin showed less number of colonies when compared with 3% Sodium hypochlorite, 3%doxorubicin & 3%oxum(SOW).
Conclusion: 3%Vancomycin showed more antimicrobial efficacy on microorganisms (enterococcus faecalis, streptococcs pyogene, candida albicans) when compared with 3% Sodium hypochlorite, 3%doxorubicin & 3%oxum.
Parole chiave: antimicrobial efficacy, root canal irrigants, sodium hypochlorite, antibiotics, vancomycin
Poster 529, Lingua: IngleseSchulz, Susanne / Altermann, Wolfgang / Klapproth, Jana / Zimmermann, Uta / Gläser, Christiane / Reichert, Yvonne / Stein, Jamal M. / Schaller, Hans-Günter / Reichert, StefanSeveral factors of the immune response and their genetic background have been proposed as potential markers for the development of periodontitis. TGFb1 is a pleiotropic cytokine that exerts its effects on bone and connective tissue metabolism which are of great importance in periodontal diseases. The expression of TGFb1 is influenced by SNPs located in codon 10 (L10P) and codon 25 (R25P) of this gene. The aim of this study was to evaluate links between genetic variants of TGFb1 and severe periodontitis and its clinical features.
Patients/methods: Patients with severe periodontitis (chronic: n=68, mean age=48.9+9.6y, 64.2% females; aggressive: n=81, mean age=40+9.5y, 63% females) and 82 healthy controls (mean age=46.6+10.7y, 53.7% females) without periodontitis were included in the study. TGFb1 polymorphisms and haplotypes were assessed using PCR-SSP (CTS-Kit, Heidelberg, Germany). Subgingival occurrence of periodontopathogens was evaluated molecularbiologically using the micro-Ident®test (HAIN-Diagnostik, Nehren, Germany). The clinical investigation included smoking status, plaque (API) and bleeding indexes (BOP), pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL).
Results: Associations between TGFb1 haplotype and the occurrence of periodontopathogens could be shown among patients with chronic periodontitis. Bacteria of the red complex (P.g.+T.f.+T.d.) occurred less frequently in carriers of the TG haplotype (TG: 77.5% vs. CG+CC: 91.5%, p=0.042). However, after Yates correction the association became not significant. (pkorr.=0.073). Comparing TGFb1 genotype and haplotype distribution no significant association with the occurrence of aggressive and chronic periodontitis could be proven. However, there was a trend for a higher occurrence of the CC-genotype L10P among controls compared to patients suffering from aggressive periodontitis (18.3% vs. 11.1%, n.s.).
Conclusions: In binary logistic regression analyses the TGFb1 SNPs L10P and R25P and the corresponding haplotypes could not be proved as independent risk factors for bacterial colonization and chronic or aggressive periodontitis considering age, gender, smoking, and clinical attachment loss as cofactors.
Parole chiave: periodontitis, genetic variants, TGFb1
Poster 530, Lingua: IngleseNaziya, Atif / Chitre, Vidya / Aras, Meena / Rivankar, NitinThis clinical report describes modifications in preliminary and final impression techniques for edentulous patient with microstomia . Preliminary impressions using flexible silicone putty tray and final impression using a novel sectional custom tray are described.
Parole chiave: sectional tray, microstomia, interlocking component, dowel pin, antirotational mechanism, impressions
Poster 531, Lingua: InglesePatil, Bhakti / Patil, Archana / Ashok, Lingappa / P, Sujatha G. / ShivaprasadPleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumour of salivary glands. Parotid gland is the most common site (90%), 8% of Pleomorphic adenomas involve the minor salivary glands with highest incidence in 4th and 6th decade of life. Morphological diversity is the most characteristic feature of this neoplasm .This complexity is due to the differentiation of tumour cells and the fibrous, hyalinised, myxoid, chondroid and even osseous areas are the result of metaplasia or are actually the products of tumour cells. It demonstrates combination of glandular epithelium and mesenchyme like tissue. Rarely a malignant tumour may arise within this tumour, a phenomenon known as "Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma". This poster depicts the case report of "Carcinoma ex pleomorhic adenoma of upper lip" presenting as a painful swelling of upper lip in a 52 year old female.
Parole chiave: pleomorphic adenoma, metaplasia, mesenchyme
Poster 532, Lingua: IngleseHey, Jeremias / Boeckler, Arne F. / Setz, Jürgen M. / Gerlach, Reinhard / Gernhardt, Christian Ralf / Kuhnt, ThomasTo investigate complication probability on parotid gland tissue due to simultaneous radiochemotherapy [RCHT] with cisplatin, 61 patients treated with radiotherapy [RT] and 36 patients treated with RCHT for head and neck cancer were prospectively evaluated. Stimulated salivary flow rates were measured before, at 4 weeks and 6 months after the treatment. Dose and volume distributions of the parotid glands were recorded.
The dose leading to a complication probability of 50% [TD50] was found to be 32.2Gy/4weeks and 32.1Gy/6months for RCHT and 41.1Gy/4weeks and 39.6Gy/6months for RT. The tolerated dose for RCHT was at least 7-8Gy lower than for RT alone at TD50. It seems that RCHT cause a higher probability of parotid gland tissue damage.
Parole chiave: radiochemotherapy, salivary flow rate, parotid gland
Poster 533, Lingua: IngleseMansour, Sonia / Voigt, Daniel / Setz, Jürgen M. / Boeckler, Arne F.Objectives: Milled bars [MB] are an alternative option for the retention of implant supported overdentures. The individual manufactured suprastructures [S] adjust precisely and rigidly to the MBs. For this purpose different materials and retention concepts [RC] were introduced. The aim of this study was to compare initial and long-term retention characteristics and wear of MBs from different materials and different RCs used to retain overdentures to dental im-plants.
Methods: 7 different MB-S-combinations (20x7x2mm) with different RC were indi-vidually fabricated: gold&electro-plated-S [GG], cobalt-chromium&electro-plated-S [EG], tita-nium&electro-plated-S [TG], zirconium&electro-plated-S [ZG], cobalt-chromium&spark-erroded-S [EF], titanium&spark-erroded-S [TF], zirconium&spark-erroded-S [ZF]. 5 speci-mens of each group (n=35) were screwed to 2 implants (Xive, Friadent) and were long-term tested (5000 hysteresis cycles) in a universal test machine (v=40mm/min, s=2mm, Fmax=50N, artificial saliva=23°C). Retention forces were constantly recorded. MB-S-combinations were analysed for superficial degradation (SEM). For evaluation of the total wear the mean-retention-force [MRF] of the first and last 250 cycles were calculated and sta-tistically compared (ANOVA, Bonferroni, P0.05).
Results: Initial MRF differed from 5.35N [TF] to 21.68N [EG]. After long-term cycling the resulting MRF differed from 2.41N [TF] to 18.45N [EG]. Each MB-S-combination produced a characteristic curve. MRF-change (Delta F=Fmax-final - Fmax-initial) differed from -10.13N [EF] to +2.14N [GG] (p0.001) The MRF-alteration differed from -54.95% [TF] to +17.09% [GG]. SEM-analysis revealed charac-teristic degradations of the corresponding material surfaces.
Conclusion: There were differ-ences between the initial pull-off-forces of the tested MB-S-combinations. Standardized long-term-cycling exposed specific changes of the retention characteristics and resulting pull-off-forces in regard to bar material and retentive superstructure designs.
Parole chiave: implant, milled bar, attachments, retention forces, long-term retention
Poster 534, Lingua: IngleseArnold, Christin / Fraedrich, Dörte / Setz, Jürgen M. / Boeckler, Arne F.Objectives: Locator-Attachments ([LA],Zest,USA) are an alternative option for the retention of dental prostheses on dental implants. Colour coded males (polyamide) are available with different retention forces. Aim of this study was to evaluate changes in retention forces of different LAs after exposure to denture cleaners and mouthwash.
Methods: Ten males of each LA (blue/pink/clear) were soaked for the equivalent of 12months of clinical use in 2 cleansing solutions (CoregaTabs-DentalWhite[DW], CoregaTabs-Partial[TD]), mouthwash (CoolMint-Listerine[L]) and aqua-dest.(Control[C]). After thermal-cycling (n=5000/5°/55°C) straight pull-off tests (n=20) of each male were recorded (universal testing machine, v=50mm/min, s=3mm). Resulting retention forces were electronically measured and descriptively/statistically analysed (t-Test, p0.05).
Results: LA's retention forces were significantly affected by DW:(8.90±1.9N [blue], 14.71±1.1N [pink], 24.34±3.6N [clear]), TD:(8.45±2.1N [blue], 13.43±2.5N [pink], 23.45±3.8N [clear]) and L:(6.50±2.9N [blue], 14.65±2.3N [pink], 22.48±1.9 [clear]) when compared to control (5.00±1.9N [blue], 11.17±2.4N [pink], 18.9±3.4N [clear]). Mouthwash also caused discolorations in all LAs.
Conclusion: In this in-vitro study denture cleansing solutions caused an increase of the retention force of the tested Locator attachment males. Under clinical conditions retention may also be influenced by wear and fatigue stress.
Poster 535, Lingua: IngleseMerglová, Vlasta / Stunová, Petra / Dort, JiříAim: This was to find out connection between mode of delivery and amounts of Streptococcus mutans (SM) in oral cavity of newborns.
Methods: A total of 49 newborns (26 boys and 23 girls) were randomly enrolled in this study. 29 newborns were delivered vaginally (group A) and 20 with Caesarean section (group B). For all enrolled children the mode of delivery as well as the birth weight was noted. At the age of 2 days, the amounts of SM in saliva were investigated in all newborns (Strep Mutans test, Orion Diagnostica). Samples of saliva were collected with microbrushes from tongue and upper and lower alveolar mucosa, incubated 48 hours in a temperature of 37°C. The birthweight and amount of SM in newborns of group A and B were compared. For statistical analysis were used standard methods - the T-test and chi-square test.
Results: SM was detected in saliva obtained from tongue in 35 newborns (71 %) and from alveolar mucosa in 39 newborns (79 %). Significant statistical differences were not observed between group A and B including birthweight and amounts of SM in saliva.
Conclusion: Early childhood caries could be influenced by many factors including maternal oral health, oral hygiene, nutrition and early transmission of SM from mother to infant. Our preliminary results do not confirm any relation between mode of delivery, birth weight and early SM colonization in newborn's oral cavity.
Supported by a grant from the IGA Health Ministry of Czech Republic NS9732-4
Parole chiave: streptococcus mutans, newborn, mode of delivery
Poster 536, Lingua: IngleseMahima, Guledgud V. / Patil, Karthikeya / Raina, Anudeep / Pai, EktaIntroduction: Lymphangioma is the most common cervicothoracic mass in children; however such lesions have seldom been reported in adults. These tumors when massive, tend to surround and invade normal anatomic structures leading to bizarre complications. Several imaging modalities are used to study lymphangiomas including plain radiography, Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Nuclear Medicine. In addition to these, Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is a practical alternative for the assessment of vascular involvement.
Case report: A 50 year old female reported with a chief complaint of a gradually progressive swelling in the right submandibular and submental region extending to the neck bilaterally of 7 years duration. Clinical examination revealed a massive cervicomandibular mass that was non tender and soft in consistency. Fragment mobility of the right mandible distal to the canine tooth was noted on palpation intraorally. A provisional diagnosis of a lymphangioma was considered. An orthopantomograph showed extensive resorption of the inferior border of the mandible predominantly affecting the right side. Ultrasonography revealed extensive thin walled cervicomandibular hypoechoeic mass lesions. Computed tomography angiography divulged an irregular hypodense cystic non enhancing lesion involving soft tissues of the neck with no evident feeding arteries and/or draining veins. Magnetic resonance imaging study of the neck depicted hyperintense T2 weighted and isointense T1 weighted lesions. Fine needle aspiration cytology and biopsy from the submandibular mass was suggestive of lymphangioma. Treatment comprised of hemimandibulectomy and surgical excision of the entire submandibular mass. No surgical intervention for the cervical masses was instituted due to their proximity to adjacent vital structures. The patient has been kept under observation for the same.
Conclusion: An adult lymphangioma of such an extensive nature is a very rare entity and may give rise to a multitude of complications. Advanced imaging modalities are vital tools in delineating the nature and extent of the lesion thereby facilitating diagnosis and treatment planning of lymphangiomas as illustrated.
Parole chiave: lymphangioma, advanced imaging, computed tomography angiography
Poster 537, Lingua: IngleseGoswami, Smriti / Sharma, Manisha / Prasad G., Umesh Chandra / Agrawal, Pankaj / Upadhyay, Ram BallabhThe harm that tobacco use does to health is irrefutable. The evidence of careful scientific articles testifies that its use, smoke or smokeless and inhaling side stream smoke from cigarettes increases risk of many serious diseases particularly ORAL CANCER. However tobacco use is one of the major preventable causes of disease and premature death. In an ironic twist to the relationship between tobacco and human health, it would seem that the future of the tobacco plant may lie in growing vaccines against cancer. It is observed that the vaccine derived from tobacco plant can be used for treatment of various cancers like lymphoma, epidemic infections like norovirus infection, and as therapy against tobacco addiction. The same plant which is responsible for causing cancer may offer a way to treat the disease. However, government still hesitate to act progressively to reduce tobacco use as it may affect the economic benefits that a country derives from growing, processing, manufacturing, exporting and taxing tobacco. This poster aims at gaining the benefits from the disastrous tobacco, by highlighting the use of tobacco plant in developing viable vaccine . Keeping in mind the economy of country, tobacco plant cultivation can be used for derivation of useful tobacco vaccine rather than harmful tobacco smoke.
Parole chiave: tobacco, nicotine, cancer, vaccine
Poster 538, Lingua: IngleseRimal, Jyotsna / Shrestha, Ashish / KN, SumanthIntroduction: Regional metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes is an important prognostic factor in head and neck carcinoma. The neck is generally assessed clinically, but has a low sensitivity and specificity with false negative results ranging from15%-25%. Clinically, the detection of a small lymph node of 1 cm3 or less is easily missed out which may have billions of tumour cells.
Aim and objective: Review the published literature of assessment of head and neck carcinoma with/without clinically detectable regional cervical lymph nodes using USG-FNAC.
Materials and method: Thirty-five published articles were retrieved, selected from indexed sites and non indexed journals for the studies on USG-FNAC in head and neck carcinoma. Two reviewers independently assessed the titles and abstracts of reports of trial identified by the electronic search. Full text hard copies were obtained for studies that appeared to fulfill the selection criteria and for studies where there was any doubt. Inter-rater agreement for study selection was measured using the kappa statistics. In case of discrepancy, the opinion of the third reviewer was sought to reach a consensus. Data were independently extracted by the reviewers and cross-checked. A standard data extraction form was used. Two reviewers assessed the methodological quality of each included study using the QUality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) tool.
Conclusion: USG-FNAC has been found to be an accurate investigation for the cervical lymph node metastasis in patients with head and neck cancer. Additional information gained from USG examination and FNAC is valuable in diagnosis and follow-up.
Parole chiave: head and neck cancer, diagnostic tool accuracy, ultrasonography guided FNAC, QUADAS
Poster 539, Lingua: IngleseGhiban, Alexandru / Bortun, Cristina Maria / Ghiban, Brandusa / Ghiban, Nicolae / Moldovan, PetruDifferent modern techniques are used for optimization of removable partial dentures, laser welding being one of them. The aim of present study is to put in evidence some structural features which may be met at laser joning cobalt based alloys. The experimental alloys are used for long lasting prosthetic pieces. Laser welding equipments was a Mini Laser XXS (Orotig Italia) and the tested samples were welded in butt joint, without filler material. There are presented in comparison results concerning macro and micro structural analysis made on Olympus stereomicroscope and Reichert microscope. Finally a correlation between different welding parameter values and structural features was made.
Parole chiave: removable partial dentures, cobalt s, laser welding, macrostructure, microstructure