Jürgen Langenhan / Uwe Bußmeier
Mandibular advancements splints (MAS) in the treatment of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS): Splint selection and laboratory fabrication
Categoria: Tecnologia odontoiatrica
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2010
Fonte del video: Dental Video Journal
Collana: Dental Video Journal
Questo è un trailer. Per vedere il video completo, acquistalo cliccando qui sotto
- Introduction
- Choosing the most suitable splint: Anatomic factors
- Choosing the most suitable splint: Technical considerations
- Choosing the most suitable splint: Conclusion
- End-to-end occlusion: Using a SchäfLa splint
- Deep bite: Using a BußLa splint
- Summary
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