Categoria: Surgery
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 1999
Fonte del video: Oral Surgery
Collana: Oral Surgery
In adolescence, the exposure and orthodontic classification of retained teeth,
especially canines and premolars, represents a useful therapy measure.
Techniques for surgically exposing vestibularly and palatally retained teeth
are demonstrated using the tubed pedicle flap technique. Because epithelialized
mucous membrane is covered in the tubed pedicle flap technique, a renewed growth
of the exposed tooth is prevented and a classification of the tooth with
orthodontic appliances under sight control is enabled.
Depending on the retention form, the extent of movement, and the patient's age,
exposure may no longer be possible under some circumstances, indicating the
need for operative removal of the retained canine or premolar. Preoperative
localization methods, vestibular and palatal operative access paths, and
surgical techniques for atraumatic removal are demonstrated.
Operative techniques for the atraumatic removal of retained maxillary third
molars also are shown. For the gentle removal of retained maxillary third
molars, it is very important to record their topographic positional relationship
to the maxillary sinus and to select the cutting direction and most suitable
osteotomy technique.