Categoria: Surgery
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 1999
Fonte del video: Oral Surgery
Collana: Oral Surgery
With a maxillary sinus recess reaching far into the alveolar process of the
maxilla, the maxillary sinus can sometimes be opened when maxillary incisors
are extracted. An oro-antral communication is determined by a nose-blowing
test or by sounding out of the alveolus with blunt probes. After an inflamed,
cystic, or tumorous maxillary sinus illness has been excluded, an oro-antral
communication should be closed immediately with plastic surgery within the
first 24 hours after extraction to prevent the germ-free maxillary sinus from
being contaminated. Plastic covering by plastic surgery using a cheek flap with
vestibular stem is demonstrated. After a mucoperiosteal flap with vestibular
stem has been formed, the flap is lengthened by slitting the periosteum so that
a tension-free sealing of the opened maxillary sinus will be possible without
endangering the flap's blood flow at the same time.