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Dr. Aerden graduated at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She practices in her own private dental clinic and ist active in dental associations worldwide. National and international lectures. Publications in national and international journals. From 2005-2007 Dr. Aerden served as the first female president of FDI (World Dental Federation) which represents of 200 National and International associations from nearly 140 countries representing over 1 million dentists. She was also a member of the FDI Council (second women in 97 years) from 1997-2007. She is the founder and of "Women Dentist Worldwide" and was their president from 2001-2005. In the European Regional Organisation of the FDI (ERO) which represents 40 European countries she is the founder of "Women in Dentistry" and was their leader from 1996-2005. In the Council of European Dentists, which represents associations of the European Union countries she was a member of the Belgian delegation (1992-2016).
7 Decades of Quintessence Publishing
10. Jan. 2019 — 12. Jan. 2019Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Deutschland
Referenten: Jiro Abe, Michèle Aerden, Wael Att, Stavros Avgerinos, Avijit Banerjee, Vesna Barac Furtinger, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Lars Bergmans, Ashwini Bhalerao, Jaroslav Bláha, Sebastian Bürklein, Daniel Buser, Josette Camilleri, Sevim Canlar, Sandra Chmieleck, Bun San Chong, Victor Clavijo, Carsten Czerny, Bettina Dannewitz, Alessandro Devigus, Didier Dietschi, Irina Dragan, Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff, Peter Eickholz, Karim Elhennawy, Peter Engel, Wolfgang Eßer, Marco Esposito, Susanne Fath, Vincent Fehmer, Federico Ferraris, Stefan Fickl, Mauro Fradeani, Roland Frankenberger, Eiji Funakoshi, Petra Gierthmühlen, Christiane Gleissner, Florian Göttfert, Dennis Grosse, Galip Gürel, Christian Haase, Horst-Wolfgang Haase, Manuela Hackenberg, Jörg Haist, Anke Handrock, Arndt Happe, Karsten Heegewaldt, Rüdiger Henrici, Michael Hülsmann, Hajime Igarashi, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Hideaki Katsuyama, Kathryn Kell, Matthias Kern, Fouad Khoury, Marko Knauf, Ralf J. Kohal, Stefen Koubi, Fabian Langenbach, Henriette Terezia Lerner, Thomas Malik, Siegfried Marquardt, Henrike März, Kathleen Menzel, Helen Möhrke, Kotaro Nakata, Marc L. Nevins, Masayuki Okawa, Rebecca Otto, Mark Stephen Pace, Shanon Patel, Karin Probst, Domenico Ricucci, Katrin Rinke, Irena Sailer, Edgar Schäfer, Ralf Schäfermeier, Jan Schellenberger, Tom Schloss, Gottfried Schmalz, Devorah Schwartz-Arad, Frank Schwarz, Thomas A. Schwenk, Anton Sculean, Bernd Stadlinger, Athanasios Stamos, Ana Stevanovic, Masana Suzuki, Senichi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Takino, Sameh Talaat, Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi, Hideaki Ueda, Istvan Urban, Luc W. M. van der Sluis, Eric Van Dooren, Bart Van Meerbeek, Paula Vassallo, Juliane von Hoyningen-Huene, Michael Walter, Siegbert Witkowski, Stefan Wolfart, Sylvia Wuttig, Masao Yamazaki, Maciej Zarow, Matthias Zehnder, Raquel Zita Gomes, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr, Bettina Zydatiß