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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Peter Sheridan

Clinical Photography in Dentistry

A New Perspective

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 21,3 x 28 cm, 232 Seiten, 554 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Fachübergreifend, Röntgenologie und Fotografie

Artikelnr.: 16631
ISBN 978-0-86715-722-2

106,00 € 68,00 €
Ein Buch – ein Baum: Für jedes verkaufte Quintessenz-Buch pflanzen wir gemeinsam mit der Organisation „One Tree Planted“ einen Baum, um damit die weltweite Wiederaufforstung zu unterstützen.

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The primary aim of this seminal book is to make the case that digital photography is an essential instrument for evidence and interaction in dental practice. Unlike many books on this subject, this book redefines the scope of and rationale for clinical photography beyond the obvious focal point of anterior teeth and esthetics to include all oral tissues and the entire spectrum of dental care. In addition, the author outlines the most suitable camera equipment and accessories, the correct technique and positioning, and the protocol for digital image management to ensure high-quality images. This book will help dentists appreciate the value and scope of digital photography in general dentistry and allow them to seamlessly incorporate the equipment and techniques into their clinical practice and workflow. An essential book that expands the place of clinical photography and underscores its role in improving clinical records and communication.

Chapter 1. The Digital Image in Dentistry
Chapter 2. Uses for Clinical Photography
Chapter 3. Principles of Photography
Chapter 4. Camera Equipment
Chapter 5. Mirrors, Retractors, and Contrastors
Chapter 6. A Guide to Standard Views
Chapter 7. Clinical Practice Considerations
Chapter 8. Digital Asset Management and Postprocessing
Chapter 9. Improving Communication and Treatment Acceptance with Photography
Cover, Sheridan: Clinical Photography in Dentistry

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