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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
H. W. Anselm Wiskott

Fixed Prosthodontics

Principles and Clinics

1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 768 Seiten, 825 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Prothetik, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde, Literatur fürs Studium

Artikelnr.: 13741
ISBN 978-1-85097-208-2
QP Deutschland

98,00 € 24,00 €
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Written with the dental student in mind, this textbook presents a methodical and scientifically based approach to restorative dentistry using fixed prosthodontics. In addition to a comprehensive overview of the clinical concepts of fixed prosthodontics, the author supplies the interdisciplinary context for related basic sciences as well as the clinical fields of periodontics, orthodontics, operative dentistry, and implant dentistry. Once the scientific background is established, the text guides the reader, chapter by chapter, through the process of providing reliable treatment, and the accompanying illustrations depict common clinical situations and recommended treatment options to clarify the essential principles of fixed prosthodontics. By addressing the strategic, operational, and technical aspects of prosthetic dentistry, the author outlines the clinical steps of restorative dentistry and simplifies the complex concepts that students struggle with in the early phases of professional development.

Chapter 01. Prosthodontic Environment
Chapter 02. Anatomy and Pathophysiology
Chapter 03. Esthetics and Color
Chapter 04. Forces and Mastication
Chapter 05. Mandibular Movements and Functional Occlusion
Chapter 06. Materials and Structures
Chapter 07. Treatment Planning
Chapter 08. Periodontics
Chapter 09. Orthodontics
Chapter 10. Operative Dentistry
Chapter 11. Endosseous Implants
Chapter 12. Tooth-Anchored Cemented Restorations
Chapter 13. Implant Prosthodontics
Chapter 14. Adhesive Restorations
Chapter 15. Provisional Restorations
Chapter 16. Impressions
Chapter 17. Occlusal Relationships
Chapter 18. Laboratory Procedures
Chapter 19. Try-In and Cementation
Chapter 20. Maintenance

H. W. Anselm Wiskott DMD, MS, MSD, PhD

Dr Wiskott graduated in 1977. After three years of private practice and internship he earned a doctorate in dental medicine. He then transferred to the United States and in 1982 he received a Master of Science degree in periodontics from the University of Michigan. In 1989 he was awarded a Master of Science in Dentistry degree from About the authorthe University of Washington, specializing in fixed prosthodontics, and in 1998 a PhD degree in biomaterials. Dr Wiskott is the author of about 100 scholarly articles. He teaches and practices dentistry in Geneva, Switzerland.

Cover, TIFF (CMYK)
"Dr. Wiskott's book is an essential addition to the library of any dental practitioner performing fixed prosthodontics. It is highly recommended for a variety of reasons, prime among these is I have never seen a more thorough book on fixed prosthodontics."
William J. Maloney, DDS; The New York State Dental Journal (November 2011)

"I would highly recommend this reader-friendly book to students, teachers and restorative dentists."
J. Dickie; British Dental Journal (April 2012)

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