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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Herman S. Duterloo / Pierre-Georges Planché

Handbook of Cephalometric Superimposition

1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 220 Seiten, 550 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie

Artikelnr.: 19281
ISBN 978-0-86715-508-2

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Ein Buch – ein Baum: Für jedes verkaufte Quintessenz-Buch pflanzen wir gemeinsam mit der Organisation „One Tree Planted“ einen Baum, um damit die weltweite Wiederaufforstung zu unterstützen.
Traditional procedures for cephalometric superimposition that are based on the use of periosteally located landmarks or their dependent substitutes are unstable over time. This renders interpretation of pretreatment-to-posttreatment changes unreliable. The structural method of superimposition is the only evidence-based method of superimposition, and it provides individualized, farreaching insight into growth and treatment changes. The author provides a critical, in-depth review of the history of cephalometric superimposition and the background and development of the structural method; demonstrates how to apply the structural method; and provides help and instruction for correct interpretation of the resulting superimpositions. This book will help readers to produce superimpositions with maximal accuracy, based on the best available scientific biologic evidence.

• Origin of the Structural Method
• Validity and Reliability
• Growth and Growth Patterns
• Image Variation
• Interpreting Superimpositions
• Describing Growth and Treatment Changes
• Manual Structural Superimpositions
• Computerized Structural Superimpositions
Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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Cephalometry in Orthodontics

2D and 3D

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