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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Giorgio Tabanella

Decision making for retreatment of failures in dental medicine

Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2018
Video-Quelle: QVG

DVD Compendium by Giorgio Tabanella, 4 DVDs and detailed Engl. booklets, 1st edition June 2018,
Languages: English, German, Italian.

Increasingly, modern periodontology and implantology face mistreatments, complications, failures, and even iatrogenic damages. It is therefore deemed valuable for colleagues and patients to share protocols, techniques, instruments, materials, and innovations developed to retreat these clinical cases with no room for error. All clinical cases described have only one parameter in common: a medical mistake.

Als DVD kaufen: Tabanella: Decision making for retreatment of failures in dental medicine

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