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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Karl Andreas Schlegel

Growth factors, tissues of the self, future or vision?

Growth factors, tissues of the self, future or vision?30 Minuten

Sprache(n): Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2009
Video-Quelle: 60 Jahre Quintessenz

In addition to the advances made during the past years, thanks to the use of new process techniques, surfaces and materials in mouth-jaw-and-face surgery and in implantology, the last decade has also seen an increase in the use of growth factors and hard and soft tissue from the laboratory, i.e. "tissue engineering". The contribution presents an overview of current and near-future techniques and indicates in which areas biologically active techniques are used, what groups of patients can be given this treatment and what the current limits of these procedures are. The presentation will be based on the workgroup experience of the past ten years, with pre-clinical and clinical examples be given.

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