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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Marc Hürzeler / Otto Zuhr

Implant placement using a modified roll flap technique

Trailer | 17 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Implantologie, Chirurgie, Parodontologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2013
Video-Quelle: Zuhr-Hürzeler DVD-Kompendium
Reihe: Zuhr-Hürzeler DVD-Kompendium
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These DVDs showcase the exceptional minimally invasive microsurgical techniques featured in Otto Zuhr's and Marc Hürzeler's best-selling book. Each volume features one surgical procedure performed by the authors accompanied by live commentary further explaining these surgical techniques and sequences. The complete series consists of 10 DVDs.

VOLUME 10: Implant Placement Using a Modified Roll Flap Technique

When placing an implant in the esthetic zone, it is often necessary to address persisting tissue deficits by appropriate soft-tissue augmentation procedures. This volume presents a modified roll flap technique, an incision-free entry procedure that combines a modified roll flap with a tunneling approach to build volume horizontally in the area of the buccal soft tissue.


  • Deepithelialization and roll flap elevation
  • Tunneling preparation of a split-thickness flap in the area of the buccal soft tissues
  • Rotation of the roll flap, and delivery of the temporary abutment and suturing

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