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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Frans P. G. M. van der Linden / William R. Proffit

Orofacial Functions

41 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Kieferorthopädie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2003
Video-Quelle: Dynamics of Orthodontics
Reihe: Dynamics of Orthodontics


  • Oral aspects of breathing, swallowing, and speaking
  • Tooth eruption and movement
  • Effect of occlusion on tooth position
  • Equilibrium concepts regarding the dentition
  • Therapeutic procedures for abnormal oral behavior

Understanding the functional aspects of the orofacial region is a prerequisite for arriving at a proper diagnosis and planning treatment for orthodontic patients. The ultimate morphology of the skeleton and the arrangement of the teeth are mainly determined by facial growth and the development of the dentition, on which functional aspects have a large influence. The mode of breathing, the position of the tongue, lips, and cheeks, the interdigitation of the posterior teeth, and the forces provided by the occlusion all contribute to the development process.

Functional aspects affect orthodontic therapies, influence the result that can be achieved, and determine to a large extent the changes that occur in the dentition when retention devices are discarded.

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Frans P. G. M. van der Linden / William R. Proffit

Länge: 41 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2003
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
Reihen: Dynamics of Orthodontics
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie
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Länge: 35 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2001
Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch
Reihen: Dynamics of Orthodontics
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie
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Dysgnathien und interzeptive Behandlungen

Frans P. G. M. van der Linden / Ralf J. Radlanski / James McNamara

Länge: 35 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2001
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
Reihen: Dynamics of Orthodontics
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie
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Produktionsjahr: 2001
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Reihen: Dynamics of Orthodontics
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie
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Länge: 36 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2001
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
Reihen: Dynamics of Orthodontics
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie
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