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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

Das Programm

Dental Rotation Day - 16. Juni 2023, 9:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Sie durchlaufen von 9 bis 17 Uhr nacheinander in kleinen Gruppen mit maximal 25 Teilnehmern alle vier Hands-On-Kurse (Dauer je 90 Minuten). Zwischen den einzelnen Workshops findet jeweils eine Pause statt.

Die vier Hands-On-Kurse behandeln folgende Themen:

  • PD Dr. Didier Dietschi | Full-Molding-Technik zur Wiederherstellung der vertikalen Dimension der Okklusion bei stark abradierten Schneidezähnen
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Blatz | Geklebte Veneer-Restaurationen: Do`s and Don`ts
  • PD Dr. Amelie Bäumer-König | Regeneration und Augmentation: ein biologischer Weg
  • Dr. Diether Reusch/ZT Dominik Püsch | Von der Kieferrelationsbestimmung zur Aufbissschiene


Kongress - 17. Juni 2023, 8:45 bis 17:00 Uhr

  • Prof. Dr. Gilles Lavigne | Herausforderung bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit Schlafbruxismus: Differentialdiagnose, Komorbiditäten und Management (in englischer Sprache!)
  • PD Dr. Didier Dietschi | Komposit: ein Schlüsselfaktor bei der interzeptive Behandlung von Bruxismus
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Kern | Minimalinvasive Sanierung des Abrasionsgebisses
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Blatz | Optimale adhäsive Befestigung von vollkeramischen Restaurationen
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Frankenberger | Bruxismus - Leitlinien und andere Handlungsempfehlungen inkl. Überlegungen zu endodontisch behandelten Zähnen
  • PD Dr. Amelie Bäumer-König | Bruxismus und das Paradont - Wahrheit oder Mythos?
  • Dr. Diether Reusch | Prothetische Rehabilitation bei Bruxismus



Hotel Hilton Munich City

Rosenheimer Str. 15 | 81667 München
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 480 40
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16. Jun 2023
Full-Molding-Technik zur Widerherstellung der vertikalen Dimension der Okklusion bei stark abradierten Schneidezähnen PD Dr. Didier Dietschi
Geklebte Veneer-Restaurationen: Do`s and Don`ts Prof. Dr. med. dent. Markus Blatz
Regeneration und Augmentation: ein biologischer Weg PD Dr. Amelie Bäumer-König M.Sc.
Von der Kieferrelationsbestimmung zur Aufbissschiene Dr. Diether Reusch
17. Jun 2023

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Markus Blatz DMD, PhD

United States of America, Philadelphia

Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD, Dr med dent habil, is a professor of restorative dentistry, the chairman of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, and the assistant dean for Digital Innovation and Professional Development at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in Philadelphia, where he founded the Penn Dental Medicine CAD/CAM Ceramic Center. He is an associate editor of Quintessence International and a coauthor of the international bestseller Evolution: Contemporary Protocols for Anterior Single-Tooth Implants (Quintessence, 2014). Dr Blatz is the recipient of multiple awards and has lectured extensively on dental esthetics, restorative materials, and implant dentistry.


PD Dr. Didier Dietschi DDS, MSD, PhD

Switzerland, Genf

Dr Didier Dietschi graduated from the University of Geneva Dental School, Switzerland, in 1984, where he completed specialty training in periodontology and restorative dentistry. He held the positions of assistant, lecturer, and senior lecturer at the same university, where he received his doctoral title in 1988 under the supervision of Prof Jacques Holz and a Privat-Docent degree in 2004. He earned his PhD in 2003 at the Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam, Netherlands, under the guidance of Prof Carel Davidson. In 1990, he started a part-time practice in a private office in Geneva limited to esthetic restorative dentistry with a focus on soft tissue management and implantology. Since 2005, he has held the position of adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University (USA) and maintained his part-time senior lecturer position at the University of Geneva in the Department of Cariology and Endodontics headed by Prof Ivo Krejci. Dr Dietschi has won numerous awards for his contributions to adhesive restorative dentistry. He is an active lecturer author, journal reviewer, and industry consultant and has contributed to significant improvements in the field of composite shading with the development of the so-called “Natural Layering Concept”. He coauthored the book Adhesive Metal-Free Restorations, edited in 1997 by Quintessence and translated into seven languages. Dr Dietschi is internationally acclaimed for his theoretical and practical teaching programs focused on adhesive and esthetic restorations with the integration of scientific evidence and implementation of new technologies in the field of minimally invasive esthetic dentistry applied to the restorations of anterior and posterior teeth.



Dr. Diether Reusch

Germany, Westerburg

Organizer/Event registration

American Dental Systems GmbH
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str. 42
85591 Vaterstetten
Phone: ++49 (0)8106 / 300 30-0
Fax: ++49 (0)8106 / 300 30-8
Email: T.Beier@ADSystems.de
Web: http://www.adsystems.de

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