28. Sep 2024 — 19. Sep 2026
Wir organsieieren Fortbildungen in ganz kleinen, privaten Kreis von Mitgliedern mit höchster faqchlicher Kompetenz und schauen hinter die Kulissen.
Wir spezialisieren uns nicht auf einen Fachbereich, sondern schauen uns die Zahnmedizin in allen Bereichen an: Funktion, Chirurgie, Endodontie, restaurative Zahnheilkunde, Praxismanagement, Implantologie, Fotographie, digital dentistry u.v.m.
Wir pflegen ein Rahmenprogramm in unseren Reihen, um den Spass und das Networking hoch leben zu lassen.
Die Young Master Academy geht über 3 Jahre mit jeweils 2-3 Kursen pro Jahr. Sie ist als bundle buchbar. 6 erfolgreich abgeschlossene Kurse werden an der folgenden Jahrestagung am Festabend mit dem Überreichen der Urkunde geehrt.
Unsere Referenten sind u.a.:
Dr. Raphael Borchardt, Dr. Alessandro Devigus, Dr. Christian Sampers, Dr. Rainer Erhard, PD Dr. Arndt Happe, Dr. Pascal Marquardt, Dr. Jochen Tunkel, Dr. Gerd Reichardt, Dr. Babak Saidi, Dr. Derk Siebers, Dr. Marcus Simon, Dr. Jörg Schröder…
Dr. Arndt Happe graduated from dental school in 1994, having studied at Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster. Following post-graduate studies with Professor Fouad Khoury and successful specialization in oral surgery, he obtained his doctoral degree in 1996. At that time he had already been active as a speaker and co-author of national and international publications in the field of oral implantology. Since 1999, Dr. Happe has worked as an oral surgeon in private practice in Münster, with a professional focus on both oral implantology (since 2000) and periodontology (since 2004). He taught in various postgraduate programs offered by the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), the European Association of Dental Implantologists (BDIZ EDI), the German Association of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and the German Society for Periodontology (DGP), as well as in the “Periodontology and Implant Therapy” master program of the DGP in cooperation with Dresden International University. In addition, Dr. Happe is an external research assistant at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, Oral Surgery and Implantology at the University of Cologne (Director: Professor Joachim E. Zöller). He is an affiliate of the prestigious European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).
Dr. Jochen Tunkel completed five years of training in periodontology, graduating as a specialist in periodontology (German Fachzahnarzt). He then moved to Professor Khoury's clinic, where he completed his training as an oral surgery specialist (German Fachzahnarzt) and Master of Oral Medicine in Implantology. During his 3-year postgraduate program he learned the shell technique in detail. During this time, his also focused on soft tissue management for large augmentations and implant-augmentative rehabilitation of periodontally severely compromised patients. After opening his own practice in 2007, he focused his work on the further development of the shell technique. To this end, he initially conducted work on augmentative relining with Dr. Luca de Stavola. Since 2018, he has been working intensively on the allogeneic shell techniqueand has helped it to achieve a breakthrough. In particular, he has focused on the basic principles of allogeneic and autologous shell techniques that improve the success of these methods.